The Standard Model and Beyond

Winter term 2015/2016
Prof. Dr. M. Klasen
Prof. Dr. Ch. Weinheimer
Lectures / Exercises
Lectures | Mo 16:00 - 17:30 Wed 8:30 - 10:00
the following lectures have to be shifted 9.11. -> 3.11., 25.11. -> 1.12. 9.12. -> 8.12., 14.12. -> 15.12. 21.12. -> 22.12. All new lectures are shifted to the following time Tue 10:15 - 11:45 | TP 304
TP 304 |
Exercises | Wed 14:00 - 15:30 | KP 403 |
The Standard Model of elementary particle physics agrees very well with all current experimental observations, but leaves many questions unanswered. Important examples are the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model Higgs mechanism, i.e. the stabilization of the electroweak symmetry breaking scale with respect to the Planck scale, the unsatisfactory fermion multiplet structure and mass range, and the nature of dark matter. This lecture offers a critical review of the theoretical foundations of the Standard Model, of the current experimental results with an emphasis on the neutrino sector, the discovery of the Higgs boson and dark matter searches, and of possible answers to the open questions in theories with unified gauge interactions, supersymmetry, or extra dimensions.
Useful references:
- T.P. Cheng, L.F. Li: Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics
- F. Halzen, A. Martin: Quarks and Leptons
- P. Langacker: The Standard Model and Beyond
- M. Fukugita, T. Yanagida: Physics of Neutrinos
- K. Zuber: Neutrino Physics
- S. Dawson, R.N. Mohapatra: Colliders and Neutrinos
- D. Kazakov, S. Lavignac, J. Dalibard: Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Prof. Klasen
V 19.10. V 21.10. V 26.10. V 28.10. V 02.11. V 03.11. V 04.11.
V 11.11. V 16.11. V 30.11. V 01.12. V 02.12. V 11.01. V 13.01.
Prof. Weinheimer
V 19.10. V 18.11. & 23.11. V 19.11.+movie V 07.12. V 08.12.+FDnotations
V 18.01 V 20.01 V 25.01 p1 & p2
Material from the lecture:
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
Excercise sheets:
Sheet 1 and 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5 Sheet 6 Sheet 7 Sheet 8 Sheet 9 Sheet 10