Environmental education

Children of the daycare "Paulus" visiting the UFZ

The project partners of MikroPlaTaS support various educational events concerning plastic in the environment for children and teenagers of all ages.

This includes research projects of single pupils as well as theme days or exhibitions for groups and school classes (in preparation).

One of the posters in the travelling exhibition
© A. Nieber

Unfortunately the travelling exhibition is only available in German.

Recent events:

Preschoolers visit the UFZ

The children of the daycare-centre "Paulus" visited the Department of Lake Research of the UFZ in Magdeburg to conduct small experiments and learn about the world of microplastics.

The MExLab surveys microplastics in the river Aa in Münster

Within the project "Form your Future" pupils aged 13 - 15 together with scientists of the WWU Münster sampled the river Aa for microplastics. 

Quiz corner

English version coming soon.