Professor Massimo La Torre, PhD

Fellow of the Centre (May to September 2011)

Massimo La Torre is Professor at the Department of Law of the Università di Catanzaro (Italy) and at the Law School of the University of Hull (United Kingdom). Before he taught in Florence, Bologna and Murcia. He held numerous visiting professorial fellowships at European and American universities, and he was fellow of the Alliance Française, the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the British Council and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2009 La Torre was honoured with the Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

In the past 20 years Professor La Torre has consistently commented on important problems of law philosophy and political philosophy. In books and essays he delivered internationally renowned contributions on questions of subjective rights, sovereignty, freedom, rule of law and democracy. Among his publications shall be mentioned exemplarily: Norme, istituzioni, valori [Norms, Institutions, Values] (Laterza ³2008); La lucha contra el derecho subjetivo [The Fight against Subjective Rights] (Dykinson 2008); and Constitutionalism and Legal Reasoning (Kluwer 2007).

Homepage of Professor La Torre