• Projects

    In Process
  • Publications

    • Glikman D, Wyszynski L, Lindfeld V, Hochstädt S, Hansen M R, Neugebauer J, Schönhoff M, Braunschweig B,. (). Charge Regulation at the Nanoscale as Evidenced from Light-Responsive Nanoemulsions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, 8362–8371. doi: 10.1021/jacs.3c14112.

    • Schroeder Christian, Hansen Michael Ryan, Koller Hubert. (). Spatial Proximities Between Brønsted Acid Sites, AlOH Groups and Residual NH4+ Cations in Zeolites Mordenite and Ferrierite. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 736–745. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c07346.
    • Maus Oliver, Agne Matthias T., Fuchs Till, Till Paul S., Wankmiller Björn, Gerdes Josef Maximilian, Sharma Rituraj, Heere Michael, Jalarvo Niina, Yaffe Omer, Hansen Michael Ryan & Zeier Wolfgang G. (). On the Discrepancy between Local and Average Structure in the Fast Na+ Ionic Conductor Na2.9Sb0.9W0.1S4. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(13), 7147–7158. doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c11803.
    • Hartel Johannes, Banik Ananya, Gerdes Josef Maximilian, Wankmiller Björn, Helm Bianca, Li Cheng, Kraft Marvin A., Hansen Michael Ryan & Zeier Wolfgang G. (). Understanding Lithium-Ion Transport in Selenophosphate-Based Lithium Argyrodites and Their Limitations in Solid-State Batteries. Chemistry of Materials, 35(12), 4798–4809. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00658.

    • Helmer J, Droste J, Hansen MR, Hepp A & Lips F. (). Unsaturated amido-substituted six-vertex mixed silicon germanium clusters. Dalton Transactions, 51(27), 10535–10542. doi: 10.1039/d2dt01746f.
    • Wrogemann Jens Matthies, Haneke Lukas, Ramireddy Thrinathreddy, Frerichs Joop Enno, Sultana Irin, Chen Ying Ian, Brink Frank, Hansen Michael Ryan, Winter Martin, Glushenkov Alexey M, Placke Tobias. (). Advanced Dual-Ion Batteries with High-Capacity Negative Electrodes Incorporating Black Phosphorus. Advanced Science, 9(20), Article 2201116. doi: 10.1002/advs.202201116.
    • Bernges T., Hanus R., Wankmiller B., Imasato K., Lin S., Ghidiu M., Gerlitz M., Peterlechner M., Graham S., Hautier G., Pei Y., Hansen M.R., Wilde G., Snyder G.J., George J., Agne M.T., Zeier W.G. (). Considering the Role of Ion Transport in Diffuson-Dominated Thermal Conductivity. Advanced Energy Materials, 12(22), Article 2200717. doi: 10.1002/aenm.202200717.
    • Helm Bianca, Minafra Nicolò, Wankmiller Björn, Agne Matthias T., Li Cheng, Senyshyn Anatoliy, Hansen Michael Ryan & Zeier Wolfgang G. (). Correlating Structural Disorder to Li+Ion Transport in Li4- xGe1- xSbxS4(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2). Chemistry of Materials, 34(12), 5558–5570. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c00608.
    • Kilian Stefan O., Wankmiller Björn, Sybrecht Anna Margarete, Twellmann Jonas, Hansen Michael Ryan, Wiggers Hartmut. (). Active Buffer Matrix in Nanoparticle-Based Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitride Anodes Enables High Stability and Fast Charging of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(26), Article 2201389. doi: 10.1002/admi.202201389.
    • Schroeder, C, Zones, SI, Hansen, MR & Koller H. (). Hydrogen Bonds Dominate Brønsted Acid Sites in Zeolite SSZ-42 – A Classification of Their Diversity. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 61, Article e202109313. doi: 10.1002/anie.202109313.

    • Frerichs JE, Ruttert M, Koppe J, Radzieowski M, Winter M, Placke T & Hansen MR. (). Lithiation Mechanism and Improved Electrochemical Performance of TiSnSb-based Negative Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Chemistry of Materials, 33(21), 8173–8182. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c01809.
    • Frerichs JE, Ruttert M, Böckmann S, Winter M, Placke T & Hansen MR. (). Identification of LixSn Phase Transitions During Lithiation of Tin-Nanoparticle-Based Negative Electrodes from Ex Situ 119Sn MAS NMR and Operando 7Li NMR and XRD. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4(7), 7278–7287. doi: 10.1021/acsaem.1c01405.
    • Bärmann P, Mohrhardt M, Frerichs JE, Helling M, Kolesnikov A, Klabunde S, Nowak S, Hansen MR, Winter M & Placke T. (). Mechanistic Insights into the Pre-Lithiation of Silicon/Graphite Negative Electrodes in ‘Dry State’ and After Electrolyte Addition Using Passivated Lithium Metal Powder. Advanced Energy Materials, 11(25), 2100925. doi: 10.1002/aenm.202100925.
    • Weißenborn E, Hardt M, Droste J, Schlattmann D, Tennagen C, Honnigfort C, Schönhoff M, Hansen MR & Braunschweig B. (). Light-Induced Switching of Polymer-Surfactant Interactions Enables Controlled Polymer Thermoresponsive Behaviour. Chemical communications, 57, 5826–5829. doi: 10.1039/D1CC02054D.
    • Münster Patrick, Diehl Marcel, Frerichs Joop Enno, Börner Markus, Hansen Michael Ryan, Winter Martin, Niehoff Philip. (). Effect of Li plating during formation of lithium ion batteries on their cycling performance and thermal safety. Journal of Power Sources, 484. doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229306.
    • Schroeder C, Zones SI, Mück-Lichtenfeld C, Hansen MR & Koller H. (). High Aluminum Ordering in SSZ-59: Residual 1H-27Al Dipolar Coupling Effects in 1H MAS NMR Spectra of Brønsted Acid Sites in Zeolites. J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 4869–4877. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c11379.
    • Hepp A, Lips F, Hansen M.R. (). Reactivity of the Bicyclic Amido-Substituted Silicon(I) Ring Compound Si-4{N(SiMe3)Mes}(4) with FLP-Type Character. Chemistry-a European Journal, 27(69), 17361–17368. doi: 10.1002/chem.202103101.
    • Helm Bianca, Schlem Roman, Wankmiller Björn, Banik Ananya, Gautam Ajay, Ruhl Justine, Li Cheng, Hansen Michael Ryan & Zeier Wolfgang G. (). Exploring Aliovalent Substitutions in the Lithium Halide Superionic Conductor Li3- xIn1- xZrxCl6(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5). Chemistry of Materials, 33(12), 4773–4782. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c01348.

    • Koller Hubert, Uesbeck Tobias, Hansen Michael Ryan, Hunger Michael. (). Characterizing the First and Second 27Al Neighbors of Bronsted and Lewis Acid Protons in Zeolites and the Distribution of 27Al Quadrupolar Couplings by 1H{27Al} Offset REAPDOR. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 25930–25940. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b09544.
    • Tao X, Daniliuc CG, Janka O, Pöttgen R, Knitsch R, Hansen MR, Eckert H, Lübbesmeyer M, Studer A, Kehr G & Erker G. (). Reduction of Dioxygen by Radical/B(p-C6F4X)3 Pairs to Give Isolable Bis(borane)superoxide Compounds. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56(52), 16641–16644.
    • Melnyk A, Junk MJN, McGehee MD, Chmelka BF, Hansen MR & Andrienko, D. (). Macroscopic Structural Compositions of π‑Conjugated Polymers: Combined Insights from Solid-State NMR and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 4155−4160.
    • Scheidt F, Selter P, Santschi N, Holland MC, Dudenko DV, Daniliuc C, Mück-Lichtenfeld C, Hansen MR & Gilmour R. (). Emulating Natural Product Conformation by Cooperative, Non-Covalent Fluorine Interactions. Chem. Eur. J., 23, 6142 –6149.
    • Rutkowski S, Zych A, Przybysz M, Bouyahyi M, Sowinski P, Koevoets R, Haponiuk J, Graf R, Hansen MR, Jasinska-Walc L & Duchateau R. (). Towards Polyethylene-Polyester Block- and Graft Copolymers with Tunable Polarity. Macromolecules, 50(1),, 107–122.

    • Han D, Joksch M, Klahn M, Spannenberg A, Drexler H-J, Baumann W, Jiao H, Knitsch R, Hansen MR, Eckert H & Beweries T. (). Iridium(III) Hydride Complexes for the Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Hydrazine Borane. Dalton Trans., 45(44), 17697–17704.
    • Wang K, Liang R-Z, Wolf J, Saleem Q, Babics M, Wucher P, Abdelsamie M, Amassian A, Hansen MR & Beaujuge PM. (). Donor and Acceptor Unit Sequences Influence Material Performance in Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’]dithiophene–6,7-Difluoroquinoxaline Small Molecule Donors for BHJ Solar Cells. Adv. Func. Mater., 26(39), 7103–7114.
    • Zhao W, Zhang F, Yang L, Bi S, Wu D, Yao Y, Wagner M, Graf R, Hansen MR, Zhuang X & Feng X. (). Anionic Porous Polymers with Tunable Structures and Catalytic Properties. Anionic Porous Polymers with Tunable Structures and Catalytic Properties, 4(39), 15162–15168.
    • Do K, Saleem Q, Ravva MK, Cruciani F, Kan Z, Wolf J, Hansen MR, Beaujuge PM & Brédas J-L. (). Impact of Fluorine Substituents on π-Conjugated Polymer Main-Chain Conformations, Packing, and Electronic Couplings. Adv. Mater., 28(37), 8197–8205.
    • Huang Y, Mai Y, Beser U, Teyssandier J, Mali KS, Straasø LA, Hansen MR, Casiraghi C, Yang R, Zhang G, Wu D, Zhang F, Yan D, De Feyter S, Müllen K & Feng X. (). Poly(ethylene oxide) Functionalized Graphene Nanoribbons with Excellent Solution Processability. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138(32), 10136–10139.
    • Straasø LA, Shankar R, Tan KO, Hellwagner J, Meier BH, Hansen MR, Nielsen NC, Vosegaard T, Ernst M & Nielsen AB. (). Improved transfer efficiencies in radio-frequency-driven recoupling solid-state NMR by adiabatic sweep through the dipolar recoupling condition. J. Chem. Phys., 145, 034201.
    • Bekçioğlu-Neff G, Allolio C, Desmukh YS, Hansen MR & Sebastiani D. (). Dynamical Dimension to the Hofmeister Series: Insights from First-Principles Simulations. ChemPhysChem, 17, 1166–1173.
    • Hansen MR, Graf R & Spiess HW. (). Interplay of Structure and Dynamics in FunctionalMacromolecular Systems as revealed by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Chem. Rev., 116(3), 1272–1308.
    • Wolf J, Babics M, Wang K, Saleem Q, Liang R-Z, Hansen MR & Beaujuge PM. (). Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’]dithiophene-Pyrido[3,4-b]pyrazine Small-Molecule Donors for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells. Chem. Mat., 28(7), 2058–2066.
    • Stalder R, Puniredd SR, Hansen MR, Koldemir U, Grand C, Zajaczkowski CW, Müllen K, Pisula W & Reynolds JR. (). Ambipolar Charge Transport in Isoindigo-Based Donor—Acceptor Polymers. Chem. Mat., 2016, 1286–1297.
    • Straasø LA, Saleem Q & Hansen MR. (). A Toolbox of Solid-State NMR Experiments for the Characterization of Soft Organic Nanomaterials. Annu. Rep. NMR Spectrosc., 88, 307–383.
    • Deshmukh YS, Wilsens CHRM, Verhoef R, Hansen MR, Dudenko D, Graf R, Klop EA & Rastogi S. (). Conformational and Structural Changes with Increasing Methylene Segment Length in Aromatic–Aliphatic Polyamides. Macromolecules, 49(3), 950–962.
    • Yuan Y, Shu J, Kolman K, Kiersnowski A, Bubeck C, Zhang J & Hansen MR. (). Multiple Chain Packing and Phase Composition in Regioregular Poly(3-butylthiophene) Films. Macromolecules, 49(24),, 9493–9506. doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01828.

    • Ma P, Deshmukh YS, Wilsens CHRM, Hansen MR, Graf R & Rastogi S. (). Self-Assembling Process of Oxalamide Compounds and Their Nucleation Efficiency in Bio-Degradable Poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s. Scientific Reports, 5, 13280.
    • Zhuang X, Gehrig D, Forler N, Liang H, Wagner M, Hansen MR, Laquai F, Zhang F & Feng X. (). Conjugated Microporous Polymers with Dimensionality Controlled Heterostructures for Green Energy Devices. Adv. Mater., 27(25), 3789–3796.
    • Wroblewska A, Zych A, Thiyagarajan S, Dudenko D, van Es D, Hansen MR, Koning C, Duchateau R & Jasinska-Walc L. (). Towards Sugar-Derived Polyamides as Environmentally Friendly Materials. Polym. Chem., 6(22), 4133–4143.
    • Etzold F, Howard IA, Forler N, Melnyk A, Andrienko D, Hansen, MR & Laquai F. (). Sub-ns triplet state formation by non-geminate recombination in PSBTBT:PC70BM and PCPDTBT:PC60BM organic solar cells. Energy Environ. Sci., 8, 1511–1522.
    • Miloskovska E, Friedrichs C, Hristova-Bogaerds D, Persenair O, van Duin M, Hansen MR, de With G. (). Chemical Mapping of Silica Prepared via Sol-Gel Reaction in Rubber Nanocomposites. Macromolecules, 48(4), 1093–1103.
    • Cakir S, Jasinska-Walc L, Villani M, Hansen MR & Koning CE. (). Morphology and Local Chain Structure of Polyamide 6 Modified in the Solid State with a Semi-Aromatic Nylon Salt. Mater. Today Comm., 2, e62–e69.
    • Haldrup S, Catalano J, Hansen MR, Wagner M, Jensen GV, Pedersen JS & Bentien A. (). High Electrokinetic Energy Conversion Efficiency in Charged Nanoporous Nitrocellulose/ Sulfonated Polystyrene Membranes. Nano Letters, 15(2), 1158–1168.
    • Jasinska-Walc L, Bouyahyi M, Rozanski A, Graf R, Hansen MR & Duchateau R. (). Synthetic Principles Determining Local Organization of Copolyesters Prepared from Lactones and Macrolactones. Macromolecules, 48(3), 502–510.

    • Narita A, Verzhbitskiy IA, Frederickx W, Mali KS, Jensen SA, Hansen MR, Bonn M, De Feyter S, Casiraghi C, Feng X & Müllen K. (). Bottom-Up Synthesis of Liquid-Phase-Processable Graphene Nanoribbons with Near-Infrared Absorption. ACS Nano, 8(11), 11622–11630.
    • Miloskovska E, Hansen MR, Friedrich C, Hristova-Bogaerds D, Van Duin M & De With G. (). In Situ Silica Nanoparticle Formation in a Rubber Matrix Monitored via Real-Time SAXS and Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Macromolecules, 47(15), 5174–5185.
    • Gubbels E, Jasinska-Walc L, Hermida-Merino D, Hansen MR, Noordover B, Spoelstra A, Goossens H & Koning C. (). Phase separation in poly(butylene terephthalate)-based materials prepared by solid-state modification. Polymer, 55(16), 3801–3810.
    • Graf R, Hansen MR, Hinderberger D, Muennemann K & Spiess HW. (). Advanced magnetic resonance strategies for the elucidation of nanostructured soft matter. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(21), 9700–9712.
    • Wilsens CHRM, Verhoeven JMGA, Noordover, BAJ, Hansen MR, Auhl D & Rastogi S. (). Thermotropic polyesters from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid and vanillic acid : Synthesis, thermal properties, melt behavior, and mechanical performance. Macromolecules, 47(10), 3306–3316.
    • Jasinska-Walc L, Hansen M.R, Dudenko D, Rozanski A, Bouyahyi M, Wagner M, Graf R & Duchateau R. (). Topological behavior mimicking ethylene-hexene copolymers using branched lactones and macrolactones. Polymer Chemistry, 5(10), 3306–3310.
    • Warnan J, Cabanetos C, Labban AE, Hansen MR, Tassone C, Toney MF & Beaujuge PM. (). Ordering Effects in Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']difuran-Thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione Polymers with >7% Solar Cell Efficiency. Advanced Materials, 26(25), 4357–4362.
    • Kins CF, Sengupta E, Kaltbeitzel A, Wagner M, Lieberwirth I, Spiess HW & Hansen MR. (). Morphological anisotropy and proton conduction in multiblock copolyimide electrolyte membranes. Macromolecules, 47(8), 2645–2658.
    • El Gemayel M, Narita A, Dössel LF, Sundaram RS, Kiersnowski A. Pisula W, Hansen MR, Ferrari AC, Orgiu E, Feng X, Müllen, K & Samorì P. (). Graphene nanoribbon blends with P3HT for organic electronics. Nanoscale, 6(12), 6301–6314.
    • Narita A, Feng X, Hernandez Y, Jensen SA, Bonn M, Yang H, Verzhbitskiy, IA, Casiraghi C, Hansen MR, Koch AHR, Fytas G, Ivasenko O, Li B, Mali KS, Balandina T, Mahesh S, De Feyter S & Müllen K. (). Synthesis of Structurally Well-Defined and Liquid-Phase-Processable Graphene Nanoribbons. Nature Chemistry, 6(2), 126–132.
    • Krogsgaard M, Hansen MR & Birkedal H. (). Metals & polymers in the mix : fine-tuning the mechanical properties & color of self-healing mussel-inspired hydrogels. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2(47).

    • Desmukh YS, Graf R, Hansen MR & Rastogi S. (). Dissolution and Crystallization of Polyamides in Superheated Water and Concentrated Ionic Solutions. Macromolecules, 46(17), 7086–7096.
    • Inal S, Chiappisi L, Kölsch JD, Kraft M, Appavou M-S, Scherf U, Wagner M, Hansen MR, Gradzielski M, Laschewsky A & Neher D. (). Temperature-Regulated Fluorescence and Association of an Oligo(ethyleneglycol) methacrylate-Based Copolymer with a Conjugated Polyelectrolyte-The Effect of Solution Ionic Strength. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117(46), 14576–14587.
    • Hansen MR, Graf R & Spiess HW. (). Solid-State NMR in Macromolecular Systems - Insights on How Molecular Entities Move. Accounts of Chemical Research, 46(9), 1996–2007.
    • Zhuang X, Zhang F, Wu D, Forler N, Liang H, Wagner M, Gehrig D, Hansen MR, Laquai F & Feng X. (). Two-dimensional sandwich-type, graphene-based conjugated microporous polymers. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 52(37), 9668–9672.
    • Allolio C, Salas-Illanes N, Desmukh YS, Hansen MR & Sebastiani D. (). H-Bonding Competition and Clustering in Aqueous LiI. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117(34), 9939–9946.
    • Shu J, Dudenko D, Esmaeili M, Park JH, Puniredd SR, Chang, JY, Breiby DW, Pisula W & Hansen MR. (). Coexistence of Helical Morphologies in Columnar Stacks of Star-Shaped Discotic Hydrazones. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 25(13), 11075–11085.
    • Niedzialek D, Lemaur V, Dudenko D, Shu J, Hansen MR, Andreasen JW, Pisula W, Müllen K, Cornil J & Beljonne D. (). Probing the Relation Between Charge Transport and Supramolecular Organization Down to the Angström Resolution in a Benzothiadiazolecyclopentadithiophene Copolymer. Advanced Materials, 25(13), 1939–1947.
    • Pepels MPF, Hansen MR, Goossens H & Duchateau R. (). From Polyethylene to Polyester : Influence of Ester Groups on the Physical Properties. Macromolecules, 46(19), 7668–7677.
    • Kiersnowski A, Kolman K, Lieberwirth I, Yordanov S, Butt H-JMR & Anastasiadis SH. (). New Insights into the Multilevel Structure and Phase Transitions of Synthetic Organoclays. Soft Matter, 9(7), 2293–2301.
    • Pisula W, Tsao HN, Dudenko D, Cho DM, Puniredd SR, Mavrinskiy A, Shu J, Hansen MR, Baumgarten M & Müllen K. (). Solid-State Organization and Ambipolar Field-EffectTransistors of Benzothiadiazole-Cyclopentadithiophene Copolymers with Long Branched Alkyl Side Chains. Polymers, 5(2), 833–846.

    • Wu J, Jasinska-Walc L, Dudenko D, Rozanski A, Hansen MR, van Es D & Koning CE. (). An Investigation of Polyamides Based on Isoidide-2,5- Dimethyleneamine as a Green Rigid Building Block with Enhanced Reactivity. Macromolecules, 45(23), 9333–9346.
    • Etzold F, Howard, IA, Forler N, Cho DM, Meister M, Mangold H, Shu J, Hansen MR, Müllen K & Laquai, F. (). The effect of solvent additives on morphology and excited-state dynamics in PCPDTBT:PCBM photovoltaic blends. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(25), 5653–5666.
    • Dudenko D, Kiersnowski A, Shu, J, Pisula W, Sebastiani D, Spiess HW & Hansen MR. (). A strategy for revealing the packing in semicrystalline π-conjugated polymers : crystal structure of bulk poly-3-hexyl-thiophene (P3HT). Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 51(44), 11068–11072.
    • Lippach AKW, Roos S, Stöwe K, Maier WF, Krämer R, Stommel M, Wenz G, Hansen Mr. (). Synthesis and mechanical properties of organic-inorganic hybrid materials from lignin and polysiloxanes. ChemSusChem, 5(9), 1778–1786.
    • Harings JAW, Deshmukh YS, Rastogi S, Hansen MR & Graf R. (). Processing of polyamides in the presence of water via hydrophobic hydration and ionic interactions. Macromolecules, 45(14), 5789–5997.
    • Jasinska-Walc L, Koning CE, Thiyagarajan S, Van Es D, Dudenko D, Shu J, Hansen MR, Rozanski A & Sowinski P. (). Structure and molecular dynamics in renewable polyamides from dideoxy-diamino isohexide. Macromolecules, 45(14), 5653–5666.
    • Beaujuge PM, Tsao HN, Hansen MR, Amb CM, Risko C, Subbiah J, Choudhury KR, Mavrinskiy A, Pisula W, Brédas J-L, So F, Müllen K & Reynolds JR. (). Synthetic principles directing charge transport in low-band-gap dithienosilole-benzothiadiazole copolymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(21), 8944–8957.
    • Jasinska-Walc L, Koning CE, Villani M. Rastogi S, Dudenko D, Hansen MR, Klop E & Van Asselen O. (). Local conformation and cocrystallization phenomena in renewable diaminoisoidide-based polyamides studied by FT-IR, solid state NMR, and WAXD. Macromolecules, 45(6), 2796–2808.
    • Miller NC, Cho F, Junk MJN, Gysel R, Risko C, Kim D, Sweetnam S, Miller CE, Richter LJ, Kline J, Heeney M, McCulloch I, Amassian A, Acevedo-Feliz D, Knox C, Hansen MR, Dudenko D, Chmelka BF, Toney MF, Brédas J-L & McGehee MD. (). Use of X-Ray Diffraction, Molecular Mechanics Simulations, and Spectroscopy to Determine the Molecular Packing in a Polymer-Fullerene Bimolecular Crystal. Advanced Materials, 24(45), 6071–6079.

    • Hansen MR, Feng X, MacHo V, Müllen K, Spiess HW & Floudas G. (). Fast and slow dynamics in a discotic liquid crystal with regions of columnar order and disorder. Physical Review Letters, 107(25), 257801.
    • May F, Marcon V, Hansen MR, Grozema F & Andrienko D. (). Relationship between supramolecular assembly and charge-carrier mobility in perylenediimide derivatives : The impact of side chains. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(26), 9538–9545.
    • Fritzsche M, Bohle A, Dudenko D, Baumeister U, Sebastiani D, Richardt G, Spiess HW, Hansen, M.R & Höger, S. (). Empty helical nanochannels with adjustable order from low-symmetry macrocycles. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 50(13), 3030–3033.
    • Tsao HN, Cho DM, Park, I, Hansen MR, Mavrinskiy A, Yoon DY, Graf R, Pisula W, Spiess HW & Müllen, K. (). Ultrahigh mobility in polymer field-effect transistors by design. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(8), 2605–2612.

    • Bohle A, Brunklaus G, Hansen MR, Spiess HW, Schleuss TW, Kilbinger AFM & Seltmann J. (). Hydrogen-bonded aggregates of oligoaramide-poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymers. Macromolecules, 43(11), 4978–4985.
    • Tasios N, Grigoriadis C, Hansen MR, Wonneberger H, Li, C, Spiess HW, Müllen K & Floudas G. (). Self-assembly, dynamics, and phase transformation kinetics of donor-acceptor substituted perylene derivatives. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(21), 7478–7487.

    • Feng X, Marcon V, Pisula W, Hansen MR, Kirkpatrick J, Grozema F, Andrienko D, Kremer K. Müllen K. (). Towards high charge-carrier mobilities by rational design of the shape and periphery of discotics. Nature Materials, 2009, 421–426.
    • Hansen MR, Graf R, Sekharan S & Sebastiani D. (). Columnar packing motifs of functionalized perylene derivatives : local molecular order despite long-range disorder. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 5251–5256.
    • Hansen MR, Schnitzler T, Pisula W, Graf R, Müllen K & Spiess HW. (). Cooperative molecular motion within a self-assembled liquid-crystalline molecular wire : the case of a TEG-substituted perylenediimide disc. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), 48(25), 4621–4624.
    • Jakobsen HJ, Bildsøe HK, Skibsted J, Hansen MR, Brorson M, Srinivasan BR & Bensch W. (). Site Preferences of NH4+ in its Solid Solutions with Cs2WS4 and Rb2WS4 from Multinuclear Solid-State NMR. Inorganic Chemistry, 48(5), 1787–1789.
    • Hansen MR, Jakobsen HJ & Skibsted J. (). Structure and Dynamics of Hydrous Surface Species on Alumina-Boria Catalysts and Their Precursors from 1H, 2H, 11B, and 27Al MAS NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113(6), 2475–2486.

    • Sezgin A, Bozkurt A, Baykal A, Akbey U, Hansen MR & Graf R. (). Synthesis and NMR studies of the polymer membranes based on poly(4-vinylbenzyl-boronic acid) and phosphoric acid. Polymer, 49(18), 3859–3864.
    • Hansen MR, Brorson M, Bildsøe HK, Skibsted J & Jakobsen, HJ. (). Sensitivity enhancement in natural-abundance solid-state 33S MAS NMR spectroscopy employing adiabatic inversion pulses to the satellite transitions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 190, 316–326.
    • Hansen MR, Jakobsen H. J & Skibsted, J. (). Structural environments for boron and aluminum in alumina-boria catalysts and their precursors from 11B and 27Al single- and double-resonance MAS NMR experiments. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 7210–7222.

    • Hansen MR, Madsen GKH, Jakobsen, HJ & Skibsted JB. (). Evaluation of 27Al and 51V Electric Field Gradients and the Crystal Structure for Aluminum Orthovanadate (AlVO4) by Density Functional Theory Calculations . J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 5975–5983.

    • Hansen MR, Madsen GKH, Jakobsen HJ & Skibsted J. (). Refinement of Borate Structures from 11B MAS NMR Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Calculations of 11B Electric Field Gradients. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 109(9), 1989–1997.

    • Hansen MR, Vosegaard, T, Jakobsen HJ & Skibsted J. (). 11B Chemical Shift Anisotropies in Borates from 11B MAS, MQMAS, and Single-Crystal NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108, 586–594.

    • Hansen MR, Jakobsen HJ & Skibsted, J. (). 29Si chemical shift anisotropies in calcium silicates from high-field 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy. Inorg. Chem., 42, 2368–2377.
  • Supervised Doctoral Study

    Ahlfänger, MarcelManaging Tensions in Open Innovation - An Empirical Analysis