Florian Tappe


Name: Florian Tappe
Diploma / M.Sc degree: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
(September 2007)

PhD Project: Synthesis of Silicon-Stereogenic Silanes and Their Enantio- and Diastereoenriched Chiral Oligomers

Abstract of Research Project

Until today, the synthesis of highly enantioenriched silicon-stereogenic silanes remains a formidable challenge; only few examples have been reported so far. Our research group has shown that such compounds serve as useful reagents in asymmetric synthesis as well as stereochemical probes in mechanistic investigations. Moreover, they also exhibit promising building blocks for the synthesis of new chiral materials with chiroptical or enantioseperating features.

In this research project, we are searching for efficient ways to synthesize silicon-sterogenic silanes in enantiomerically enriched form.
Our studies compromise asymmetric cross-coupling catalysis as well as desymmetrization of prochiral silanes by asymmetric metathesis reactions. Furthermore, oligomerization, either by hydrosilylation or dehydrogenative coupling, is studied using these substances in order to obtain new chiral materials.

Florian Tappe
eMail: Florian Tappe