Arnab Rit


Name: Arnab Rit
Diploma / M.Sc degree: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
(July 2007)

PhD Project: Macromolecular Chemistry Using Planar Triscarbene - Ligands with Aromatic Backbones


Abstract of Research Project

N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) have become of interest as free molecules as well as ligands for transition metal complexes over the last two decades. A huge variety of NHC complexes are known where the transition metal is coordinated to one monodentate NHC ligand in its coordination sphere. But only few transition metal complexes with tricarbene ligands have been reported in the literature.

My work is focused on the synthetic investigation of planar tridentate tricarbene ligands with aromatic backbones and their coordination chemistry. Particularly, the project deals with the synthesis of trinuclear tricarbene-transition metal complexes where the central tricarbene ligand is coordinated to three surrounding transition metal starting from the trisazolium salts. These trinuclear complexes have the right geometry for the synthesis of cylindrical hexanuclear metal complexes. To access these structures, two of the above mentioned trinuclear tricarbene complexes are to be interconnected using three linear bidentate ligands (e.g. linear dicarbenes).


A. Rit, T. Pape, F. E. Hahn
Self-Assembly of Molecular Cylinders from Polycarbene Ligands and AgI or AuI
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132(13) (2010), 4572-4573.

Arnab Rit
eMail: Arnab Rit