5. Language and Literature
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Reviewed by:
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Cannatà Fera, M. 2020. Pindaro. Le Nemee. Milan.
Reviewed by:
Presutti, T. 2023. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica 3: 181–191.
Fowler, R. 2022. Pindar and the Sublime: Greek Myth, Reception, and Lyric Experience. London.
Reviewed by:
Eisenfeld, H. 2023. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 143: 335–336.
Hirsch-Luipold, R. and L. Roig Lanzillotta (eds.). 2021. Plutarch’s Religious Landscapes. Brill’s Plutarch Studies 6. Leiden/Boston.
Reviewed by:
Vergara Recreo, S. 2023. Ploutarchos 20: 123–125.
Hulls, J.-M. 2021. The search for the self in Statius’ ‘Thebaid’: identity, intertext and the sublime. Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 116. Berlin/Boston.
Reviewed by:
Schroer, C. 2024. Gnomon 96: 134–137.
Kozak, L. (ed.) 2023. Scapegoat Carnivale’s Tragic Trilogy: Euripides’s Medea, Euripides’s Bacchae, and Sophocles’s Oedipus Tyrannus. Montreal.
Reviewed by:
Mattison, K. 2023. Phoenix 77: 162–164.
Irini Kyriakou, I. 2020. Généalogies épiques. Les fonctions de la parenté et les femmes ancêtres dans la poésie épique grecque archaïque (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 134). Berlin/Boston. Reviewed by:
Biagetti, C. 2021. sehepunkte 21: URL: https://www.sehepunkte.de/2021/04/34230.html
Wagner-Hasel, B. 2024. Klio 106: 315–318.
Maréchaux, P. and Mineo, B. (eds.) 2020. Plutarque et la construction de l’Histoire: entre récit historique et invention littéraire. Actes du colloque organisé les 13 et 14 mai 2016 à l’université de Nantes. Rennes.
Reviewed by:
Dubreuil, R. 2023. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 143: 370–372.
Meriani, A. (ed.) 2021. Plutarchi Chaeronensis De musica Carolo Valgulio interprete. Florence.
Reviewed by:
Ercoles, M. 2023. Eikasmós 34: 431–436.
Österdahl, P. 2021. Pindaric Scholarship between Aristarchus and Didymus. An Edition of the Fragments with Explanatory Notes and Discussion of Early Pindaric Scholarship. Stockholm.
Reviewed by:
Neumann-Hartmann, A. 2024. Gnomon 96: 196–200.
Pantelia, M.C. 2022. Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. A Bibliographic Guide to the Canon of Greek Authors and Works. Oakland, California.
Reviewed by:
Netz, R. 2024. Classical Review 74.1: 37–39.
Park, A. 2023. Reciprocity, Truth, and Gender in Pindar and Aeschylus. Ann Arbor.
Reviewed by:
Roe, T.P.A. 2024. Classical Review 74.1: 50–52.
Spiliotopoulos, G. 2024. Classical World 117.2: 227–228.
Quérini, N. 2023. De la connaissance de soi au devenir soi: Platon, Pindare et Nietzsche. Paris.
Reviewed by:
Briand, M. 2024. Bryn Mawr Classical Review BMCR 2024.06.04
Recchia, M. 2022. Pindari et Bacchylidis Hyporchematum Fragmenta (2022.1.5.03). Rome.
Reviewed by:
Skempis, M. 2023. Exemplaria Classica 27: 257–260.
Roskam, G. (ed.) 2021. Plutarch. Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics 47. Cambridge.
Reviewed by:
Pinheiro, J. 2023. Humanitas 82: 199–201.
Tomcik, M. 2023. Aurores et crépuscules dans la Thébaïde de Stace. Mnemosyne, Supplements, Volume 469. Leiden/Boston.
Reviewed by:
Bussières, M-P. 2024. Bryn Mawr Classical Review BMCR 2024.02.06
Visonà, L. 2023. La guerre contre l’autre. Les campagnes parthiques dans l’oeuvre de Plutarque. Alessandria.
Reviewed by:
Tanga, F. 2023. Ploutarchos 20: 121–123.
Watanabe, J. and Pérez Díaz, C. (eds.) 2023. Antígona: a bilingual edition with critical essays. Classics and the postcolonial. Abingdon/New York.
Reviewed by: Henao Castro, A.F. 2023. Bryn Mawr Classical Review BMCR 2023.12.21
Warren, L. 2022. Like a captive bird: gender and virtue in Plutarch. Amherst.
Reviewed by:
Caterine, M.M. 2024. Classical Review 74.1: 85–87.
van Geel, L. 2024. Bryn Mawr Classical Review BMCR 2024.01.07

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