5. Language and Literature


Ancient Authors



Kearns, E. 2023. Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge/New York.

(ISBN 9781107041806)



Lawrence, C. 2022. Aesop’s fables. Illustrated by Robert Ingpen. Robert Ingpen illustrated classics. London.

(ISBN 9781913519902)



Murnaghan, S. 2023. Antigone: a new translation, contexts, criticism. New York.

(ISBN 9780393655186)



Onori, S. 2023. L’auriga dal breve destino. Commento critico-esegetico ai frammenti del Fetonte di Euripide. DRAMA. Studien zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption 25. Tübingen.

(ISBN 9783381107612)





Beck, D. 2023. The stories of similes in Greek and Roman epic. Cambridge/New York.

(ISBN 9781108481793)



Behm, T. 2022. Städte in Ovids Metamorphosen: Darstellung und Funktion einer literarischen Landschaft. Hypomnemata 212. Göttingen.

(ISBN 9783525311394)



Boscà Cuquerella, A. 2023. La ‘gnome’ en Eurípides. Estudio formal. Bern.

(ISBN 9783034347365)



Catenaccio, C. 2023. Monody in Euripides: character and the liberation of form in late Greek tragedy. Cambridge.

(ISBN 9781009300124)



Davies, M. 2023. The hero’s life choice. Studies on Heracles at the crossroads, the judgement of Paris, and their reception: ‘verbalising the visual and visualising the verbal’. Metaforms 24. Leiden/Boston.

(ISBN 9789004678941)



Demulder, B. 2022. Plutarch’s cosmological ethics. Leuven.

(ISBN 9789462703292)



Dubreil, R. 2023. Theater and politics in Plutarch’s Parallel Lives. Brill’s Plutarch studies 13. Leiden/Boston.

(ISBN 9789004681736)



Fradinger, M. 2023. Antígonas: writing from Latin American. Oxford.

(ISBN 9780192897091)



Ginesti Rosell, A. 2023. Dialogpoetik der Quaestiones Convivales von Plutarch. Göttingen.

(ISBN 9783525361566)



Martelli, F. and G. Sissa. 2023. Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the environmental imagination. Ancient environments. London.

(ISBN 9781350268944)



Park, A. 2023. Reciprocity, truth, and gender in Pindar and Aeschylus. Ann Arbor.

(ISBN 9780472133420)



Tsiampokalos, T. 2023. Πλούταρχος και ρητορική. Η θέαση της ρητορικής στο έργο του Πλουτάρχου και η σχέση της με την ηθική, την πολιτική και την εκπαίδευση κατά τον 1ο και τον 2ο αιώνα μ.Χ. Parousia Einzelschriften 81. Athens.

(ISBN 9789604854974)



Westerhold, J. A. 2023. Ovid’s tragic heroines: gender abjection and generic code-switching. Ithaca. (ISBN 9781501770357)





Agocs, P. A. 2022. “Message-Stick of the Muses: Lyric Epistolarity and Textuality in Pindar and Bacchylides.” Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 62: 385-416.



Akhunova, O. 2023. “Pindar’s Pythian 2: the riddle of the epilogue.” Acta Classica 66: 1-14.



Almagor, E. 2023. “Plutarch and the Barbarian “Other’.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 261-81.



Athanassaki, L. 2023. “A Gift-Song to an Old Friend: Pindar, Thrasybulus, Nicomachus, and the Second Isthmian.” In A. Efstathiou, J. Filonik, C. Kremmydas and E. Volonaki (eds.), Friendship in Ancient Greek Thought and Literature. Essays in Honour of Chris Carey and Michael J. Edwards. Leiden: 75-93.



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Bayliss, A. J. 2023. “Plutarch on Tyrtaios and the Great Rhetra.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 53-70.



Beck, M. A. 2023. “Great Men. Leadership in Plutarch’s Lives.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 197-225.



Bogomolov, A. 2023. “Image and Negation: ‘Proto-Apophatics’ and the problem of the typology of negativity in Hesiod’s ‘Theogony’.” ΣΧΟΛΗ 17: 888-898.



Briand, M. 2023. “Faire danser les mots, les sens, les corps: la choralité dans les Olympiques de Pindare.” Gaia 26.




Bryant Kirkland, N. 2023. “‘The friend-making table’: variety and the definition of friendship in Plutarch’s Table Talk.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 143: 86-104.



Catenaccio, C. 2023. “Dreams in Plutarch’s Lives of Alcibiades and Demosthenes.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 143: 105-120.



Davies, P. 2023. “Equal Contributors? Agesilaus and Lysander within Plutarch’s ‘Spartan Cycle’.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 93-112.



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Dillon, J. and A.V. Zadorojnyi. 2023. “Plutarch as a Polemicist.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 122-137.



Duff, T. 2023. “Plutarch as Moral and Political Educator.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 47-78.



Eckerman, C. 2023. “Pindar’s Olympian 13.106 and the χρέος-Motif.” Mnemosyne 76.5: 857-863.



Frazier, F. 2023. “Thinking ‘Private Life’. Plutarch on Gender, Sexuality, and Family.” Translated by K. Low In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 226-242.



Goodfellow, D. 2023. “The Path of the Sun: Pindar Olympian 2.61-62.” Classical Philology 118.4: 459-483.



Griffin, J. 2023. “Plutarch and Shakespeare. Reviving the Dead.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 357-382.



Hansen, H. 2023. “Advertising Innovation in Pindar’s Olympian 13.” Hermes 151: 386-404.



Hodkinson, S. 2023. “Plutarch and Sparta’s Military Characteristics in the Parallel Lives of Lykourgos and Numa.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 23-52.



Humble, N. 2023. “Plutarch in Byzantium.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 303-322.



Jong, de, I. J. F. 2023. “Herodotus’ Framing of the Persian Spolia at Plataea.” In I. J. F. de Jong and M-J. Versluys (eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia. Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change. Leiden: 71-86.



Lamberton, R. 2023. “Religion and Myth in Plutarch.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 122-137.



Lane, N. 2022. “A Conjecture on Pindar, Pythian 2. 81–82.” Hyperboreus 28: 196-202.



Lane, N. 2023. “A Textual Note on Pindar, Isthmian 7.28.” Hermes 151: 246-248.



Lane, N. 2023. “A Textual Note on Pindar, Nemean 9.17.” Hermes 151: 490-493.



MacDonald, K. 2023. “Plutarch in France. Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 383-402.



Marcotte, D. 2021. “Plutarque et le dragonneau. Sur l’émergence des affections tropicales dans l’ethnographie grecque.” Revue des études grecques 134: 97-120.



Martínez Zepeda, B. 2023. “Three Notes on Statius, Thebaid 5 (11-16; 20-23; 29-32).” Mnemosyne 76.4: 630-647.


Maślanka-Soro, M. 2023. “La Tebe di Stazio come figura della civitas diaboli nella Commedia di Dante.” Antike und Abendland 69: 44-57.



Ménard, E. 2023. “Séparations composées dans la Théogonie.” Gaia 26.




Mossman, J. 2023. “Plutarch and Spartan Speech(es).” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 139-160.



Mossman, J. and A. V. Zadorojnyi. 2023. “Plutarch and Animals.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 282-302.



Norman, M. 2023. “Genealogies of τέχνη. The Origins and Limits of Craft in Pindar.” Mnemosyne 76.4: 537-559.



Occhipinti, E. 2023. “Narrative Techniques, Literary Echoes and Interpretation: Lysander and Agesilaus.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 71-92.



Oikonomopoulou, K. 2023. “Plutarch at the Symposium.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 138-156.



Opsomer, J. 2023. “In the Spirit of Plato.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 79-100.



Pade, M. 2023. “Plutarch in the Italian Renaissance.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 323-339.



Peer, A. 2023. “Plutarch on Civil Wars.” Hermes 151: 424-448.



Pelling, C. 2023. “A Doubles Match: Agis-Cleomenes and the Gracchi.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 113-138.



Pelling, C. 2023. “Plutarch and Biography.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 1-10.



Pelling, C. 2023. “Wealth and Decadence in Plutarch’s Lives.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 243-260.



Pérez Jiménez, A. 2023. “Plutarch and the Spanish Renaissance.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 340-356.



Preložnik, A. and A. Nestorović. 2023. “Oedipus Riddles.” Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 59: 131-140.



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Rebeggiani, S. 2021. “The Seven Barbarians: the Myth of the War for Thebes in Monumental Contexts in Greece, Etruria, and Rome.” Studi italiani di Filologia classica 19.1: 39-76.



Rodrigues, A. 2023. “Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus: Greek Lawgivers and the Construction of Spartan Exceptionalism.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 1-22.



Roskam, G. 2023. “Plutarch’s demiurgic moralism in his Theseus–Romulus.” Acta Classica 63: 139-162.



Russell, D. 2023. “Language, Style, and Rhetoric.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 157-175.



Sattler, B. M. 2022. “The Theogony and the Works and Days: the beginnings of philosophical questioning in Hesiod.” In E. Schliesser (ed.), Neglected Classics of Philosophy. Volume 2. Oxford: 18-65.



Stadter, P. 2023. “Plutarch and Classical Greece.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 179-196.



Symonds, R. 2023. “The Rule of Zeus in Hesiod’s Theogony.” In U. Furlan, T. A. Husøy and H. Bohun (eds.), Narratives of Power in the Ancient World. Newcastle upon Tyne: 84-106.



Tibiletti, A. 2022. “Casi dubbi di γε/τε in Pindaro.” Studi italiani di Filologia classica 20.2: 124-128.



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Trapp, M. 2023. “Receptions and appropriations of Platonic myth: Dio, Plutarch, and Aristides between literary fashion and philosophical exegesis.” Bulletin of Classical Studies 66.1: 7-14.



Tröster, M. 2023. “Romanness and Greekness in Plutarch.” In F. B. Titchener and A. V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Plutarch. Cambridge companions to literature. Cambridge/New York: 29-46.



van der Wiel, L. 2023. “A Proposal for Restructuring Plutarch’s Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata.” Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 63: 1-26.



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Zadorojnyi, A.V. 2023. “Smelling the Black Soup: Sparta, Moralism, and Political Allusion in Plutarch.” In P. Davies and J. Mossman (eds.), Sparta in Plutarch’s Lives. Swansea: 161-202.





Acerbo, S. 2021. Le tradizioni mitiche nella Biblioteca dello ps. Apollodoro. Percorsi nella mitografia di età imperiale. Supplementi di Lexis n.s. 8. Amsterdam. Reviewed by: A. Arriaza, 2023. Classical Review 73.2: 467-469.



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Athanassaki, L. and Titchener, F. (eds.) 2022. Plutarch’s Cities. Oxford. Reviewed by: V. Ramón and F. Tanga, 2023. Atlantis 54: 129-30

And M. Nerdahl, 2023. Classical Review 73.2: 471-474.



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Natoli, B. A. and Pitts, J. P. (eds.) 2022. Ancient Women Writers of Greece and Rome. London/New York. Reviewed by: A.Walker, 2023. Classical Review 73.2: 386-388.



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And R. van Wijk, 2023. Sehepunkte 12 (2023)



Roskam, G. (ed.) 2021. Plutarch. Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics 47. Cambridge. Reviewed by: M. Monaco Caterine, 2023. Classical Review 73.2: 469-471.



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Schmidt, Th. S., M. Vamvouri and R. Hirsch-Luipold (eds.) 2020. The Dynamics of Intertextuality in Plutarch. Leiden. Reviewed by: T. Thum, 2023. Gnomon 95: 496-502.



Tsagalis, C. C. (ed.) 2022. Early Greek Epic Fragments II. Epics on Herakles: Kreophylos and Peisandros. Berlin/Boston. Reviewed by: I. Andolfi, 2023. Classical Review 73.2: 412-414.



Xanthaki-Karamanou, G. (ed.) 2022. ‘Dionysiac’ Dialogues. Euripides’ Bacchae, Aeschylus and Christus Patiens. Berlin/Boston. Reviewed by: M. Alexpoulou, 2023. Classical Review 73.2: 424-426.




How to Cite

5. Language and Literature. (2023). Teiresias Journal Online, 2(2). Retrieved from https://www.uni-muenster.de/Ejournals/index.php/tjo/article/view/5264