Film: A Motivating and Effective Medium for Teaching English?

Summary of a Master’s Thesis on the Use of Films in English Foreign Language Teaching in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


  • Nathalie Naylor



TEFL, film, teaching english, media education


With English being by far the most frequently taught foreign language in the German school system, English teachers have a special responsibility for ensuring their pupils’ language learning motivation and preparing them for real life communication with native speakers of different linguistic varieties outside school
(Diehr 62). Working with films is considered an increasingly appreciated means of achieving these aims: films are motivating and authentic media which are a lso relevant in the pupils’ daily life outside school. In addition, films can be employed to promote different competences as well as the widely demanded film and
media literacy that is called for by various institutions and associations in Germany such as the Kultusministerkonferenz or the congress Cinema goes School: In its 2012 declaration on media education, the Kultusministerkonferenz states that media education is part of the schools’ teaching mission and thus has to be firmly established in German schools as an obligatory element of education.

Author Biography

Nathalie Naylor

Nathalie Naylor was born on 24 December 1993 in Neuss, Germany. After having been brought up bilingually in German and English, she studied English and French at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster between 2012 and 2018 in order to become a teacher for Gymnasien and Gesamtschulen. During her studies, she spent a semester studying at the University of Tours, France, followed by a short school internship, and completed two voluntary internships at schools in Montpellier, France and Norwich, England. In August 2018, Nathalie Naylor was awarded the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed.) by the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.




How to Cite

Naylor, N. (2018). Film: A Motivating and Effective Medium for Teaching English? Summary of a Master’s Thesis on the Use of Films in English Foreign Language Teaching in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Satura, 1, 105–110.
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Teaching English as a Foreign Language
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