Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson

Druckkopf Universität Münster
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson
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Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson
University of Münster
Institute of Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry
Corrensstrasse 30
D-48149 Münster

+49 (251) 83-33141

+49 (251) 83-36013

anderss at
uni-muenster dot de




Aging processes of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs)

Contact: Prof. Dr. Andersson

Project 1
Aging of fatty acid methyl esters

Biogenic components from renewable resources like vegetable fats and fatty acids as well as their methyl esters are often added to heating oils and diesel fuels. The intended benefits include a stronger independence of fossil fuels and a reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions associated with combustion. These mixtures of biogenic compounds and fossil fuels, so called blends, often show a low stability towards oxidation. The uptake of oxygen by the unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) leads to a higher polarity of the products with the consequence of formation of sediments. These can plug filters and nozzles in heating systems and cause huge economic losses.
There are some indications of synergistic effects between the fossil and the biogenic components. However, the dependence of the oxidation stability on the composition of the fuel mixture is not yet clarified. The longterm goal is to elucidate the formation of sediments and find indicator substances to predict the stability of blends.

Figure 1: IR-Spectrum of different aged and non-aged bio diesel blends

Involved group members: Stefanie Kerkering, Ruben Epping


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Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson
Corrensstrasse 30 · D-48149 Münster · Germany
Phone: +49 251 83-3 31 41 · Fax: +49 251 83-3 60 13
E-Mail: uk at uni-muenster dot de