© ZHL - Robert Matzke

Advanced qualification in teaching is a cross-disciplinary and structural task. The Centre for Teaching in Higher Education (ZHL) plays a key role in initiating and supporting networking activities between instructors at the University of Münster.

The Teach Tank is a university-wide programme which allows instructors to participate in inter- and cross-disciplinary teaching collaborations and reflection. The Centre for Teaching in Higher Education (ZHL) coordinates and supports the activities offered by the WWU Teach Tank. For example, we regularly organise theme-based Brown-Bag Meetings which help facilitate dialogue between teaching staff outside of the course programme.

Our previous Brown-Bag Meetings have addressed such topics as "Teaching in English", "Innovative teaching projects", "Peer-based reviews", and "Social media in teaching". If you would like to discuss other teaching-related topics at a Brown-Bag Meeting, please send us your suggestions by mail.

The Centre for Teaching in Higher Education (ZHL) maintains close contacts with centralised and decentralised facilities in the area of university teaching/higher education didactics and cultivates a network of research and teaching staff at the national and international level.

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