Allgemeines Physikalisches Kolloquium im Wintersemester 2011/2012
Ort:    48149 Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, IG I, HS 2,
Zeit:    Donnerstag, 01.12.2011 16:00 Uhr c.t.
Kolloquiums-Kaffee ab 15:45 Uhr vor dem Hörsaal

Particle-pattern formation in incompressible periodic flows

Prof. Dr. Hendrik C. Kuhlmann, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Wärmeübertragung

Experiments have shown that small particles suspended into a confined liquid can exhibit a rapid and nearly complete de-mixing. Depending on the underlying incompressible flow the particles may arrange themselves into dynamic, one-dimensional, thread-like accumulation structures. By modeling and numerical simulation we show that the de-mixing is primarily caused by repeated particle-wall collisions of finite-size particles, while inertial effects are of lesser importance.

Einladender: Prof. Dr. S. Linz

Im Auftrag der Hochschullehrer des Fachbereichs Physik

Prof. Dr. Sergej Demokritov