Expert Panel

The IVV Expert Panel is composed of the IVV Leadership, the members of the IVV Steering Committee, at least one representative from each of the institutes of the participating departments, one student representative or his/her deputy from each of the participating departments, and the CIT staff members responsible for the IVV Natural Sciences. The institute representatives are named to the IVV Leadership by the managing directors of the institutes. They should be in a responsible position for the support of IT systems or the institute IT supply. They are the first contact persons in their institutes for IT matters. The expert panel can form working groups to prepare recommendations. The IVV Expert Panel meets at least once per semester at the invitation of the IVV Leadership. The IVV Leadership reports to the IVV Expert Panel on the operation as well as on the planning and further development of the IT infrastructure. Fundamental issues are discussed in the IVV Expert Panel. Minutes of these meetings are sent to the deans of the three departments, the managing directors of the institutes and the head of CIT.