Dr. Stephan Völlmicke

Student Counselling, International & Practice Coordination, Contact person for press and public relations, Representative for students with disabilities
© IfK | Nadine Daum

Department of communication
Raum: E206

Bispinghof 9-14
D-48143 Münster

Tel.: +49 251 83-23006

Registration for consultation hours takes place via Learnweb. Prospective students and external students can register for consultation hours via the email address servicebuero.ifk@uni-muenster.de.

Consultation hours at the Student Counselling Service:

Personal counselling takes place in presence, Zoom conference, by e-mail or by telephone on the following dates after prior registration on Learnweb: Extension: + 49 251 83-23006

Counselling times during the lecture period:

  • Mon 10:00 - 12:00
  • Tue 11:00 - 12:00 (telephone consultation)
  • Tue 13:00 - 15:00
  • Thu 13:00 - 15:00

Counselling hours during the lecture-free period:

  •     Thu 13:00 - 15:00
  • Research interests

    • Death representations in audio-visual media
    • Film Analysis
    • Film Theory
    • Theories of Communications and Media
  • Short CV

    Stephan Völlmicke was born in 1976 in Olpe (Sauerland). After his A levels, he worked as Sound Technician at the radio station Deutschlandfunk (Cologne) for 3 years . From 1999, he studied Communication Science, Political Science and Sociology at the University of Münster and received his master’s degree in 2004. During his studies, he worked as Student Assistant and Tutor. From December 2005 until October 2006, he was Research Assistant at the Department of Communication at the University of Münster and the ERASMUS-Coordinator. From November 2006 until February 2007, he was Research Assistant and responsible for the structural conception of the Graduate School of Communication Science. From April 2007 until March 2008 he was Coordinator of the Graduate School of Communication Science. From Mai 2008 until April 2009, Völlmicke was Coordinator of Media Practice at the Münster Department of Communication. From May 2009 until May 2011 he was Executive Assitant of the head of the Department of Communication. Völlmicke received his Doctoral degree (Dr. phil.) in 2010 at the University of Münster (topic: 40 Years of Public Show — Public Viewing. How the TV Crime Show “Tatort” Has Transformed Their Audiovisual Depiction of Death Against the Background of How Society Has Changed Its Way of Dealing With Death and Dying.) From 2011 until 2017, he the was Scientific Coordinator of the Training Research Group “Trust and Communication in a Digitized World”. Since 2017, Völlmicke is the Coordinator for media practice and ERASMUS at the Departement of Communication.
  • Projects

    GRK 1712 - RTG 1712 - Trust and Communication in a Digitized World (04/2012 - 03/2021)

  • Professional activities

    • Member of the Board of the Department of Communication (since 2018)
    • Mitglied of the Faculty Council 06 of the University Münster  (since 2018)
    • Member of the Commission for Research and Young Academics (KFWN) of the Faculty 06 of  the Univesity Münster (since 2018)
    • Treasurer of the association MedienAlumni Münster e.V. (MAM) (since 2009)



    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • Völlmicke, Stephan. (). 40 Jahre Leichenshow-Leichenschau. Die Inszenierung des Todes im Tatort und der soziale Umgang mit Sterben und Tod. In "ZWISCHEN SERIE UND WERK. DIE ARD-REIHE TATORT IM FERNSEH- UND GESELLSCHAFTSGESCHICHTLICHEN KONTEXT", Internationale Tagung 20.-22. Juni 2013, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Völlmicke, Stephan. (). 40 Jahre Leichenshow-Leichenschau. Die Inszenierung des Todes im Tatort und der soziale Umgang mit Sterben und Tod. In Hißnauer Christian, Scherer, Stefan, Stockinger, Claudia (Hrsg.), Zwischen Serie und Werk: Fernseh- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte im Tatort. (S. 109–127). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    • Völlmicke, Stephan. (). TATORT FERNSEHEN Die mediale Inszenierung des Todes im Kriminalfilm und der soziale Umgang mit Sterben. In Schäfer, Daniel, Frewer, Andreas, Müller-Busch, Christof (Hrsg.), Perspektiven zum Sterben. Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Ars morienda? (S. 89–102). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    • Völlmicke, Stephan. (). Konstrukte von Sterben und Tod - Überlegungen zu einer Paradoxie. In Westerbarkey, Joachim (Hrsg.), EndZeitKommunikation. Diskurse der Temporalität (S. 87–98). Münster: LIT Verlag.
    Non-Scientific Contributions (Journals)
    • Völlmicke, Stephan. (). Tod im Tatort. Bestattungskultur. Das Magazin des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Bestatter e.V., 59(2), 8–9.

    Books (Monographs)

    • Völlmicke, Stephan. (). 40 Jahre Leichenshow – Leichenschau Die Veränderung der audiovisuellen Darstellung des Todes im Fernsehkrimi TATORT vor dem Hintergrund des gesellschaftlichen Wandels im Umgang mit Sterben und Tod. . 1st Ed. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
