Universität Münster
Centre for Advanced Study “Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change” (Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Zugang zu kulturellen Gütern im digitalen Wandel“)
Domplatz 23
48143 Münster
Telefon: +49 (251) 83-24173

The Centre for Advanced Study “Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change” (Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Zugang zu kulturellen Gütern im digitalen Wandel“) is part of the University of Münster. The University of Münster is a public-sector statutory body of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is represented by its Rector, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels.

Controlling authority:
Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Völklinger Straße 49
40221 Düsseldorf

VAT identification number: DE 126118759
Editor responsible for the content of the website in accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag, Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):

Prof. Dr. Reinold Schmücker
Speaker of the Centre for Advanced Study “Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change” (Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Zugang zu kulturellen Gütern im digitalen Wandel“)
Domplatz 23
48143 Münster

This imprint applies to information provided on the website of the Centre for Advanced Study “Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change” (Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Zugang zu kulturellen Gütern im digitalen Wandel“), and which can be accessed via the URL The information in question bears the copyright sign “© KFG Zugang”.