Mario Ohlberger

Münster mathematicians Dr. Franziska Jahnke and Dr. Mira Schedensack talk about their work

Wednesday, 15.08.2018

Mathematik und Informatik

Hours of contemplation, approaching a solution in small steps, and a healthy scepticism towards computer-generated results. In these guest articles, two mathematicians at the University of Münster, Dr. Franziska Jahnke und Dr. Mira Schedensack, explain what mathematical research means to them and what the aim of this research is. Both undertake research and teaching at the University of Münster within the framework of the MATHRIX junior professorships, which were established in 2017 to promote gender equality in mathematics.

Further reading:
Press release of WWU Münster

Angelegt am 20.08.2018 von Mario Ohlberger
Geändert am 20.11.2018 von Anne Schindler
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Mathematics Münster