Gerlinde Steinhoff

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Klette (University of Auckland)

Thursday, 05.07.2012 17:00 im Raum M 6

Mathematik und Informatik

Titel: Progress and Challenges in Vision-based Driver Assistant Systems Abstract: The talk discusses computer vision challenges in the context of vision-based driver assistant systems, certainly one of the most difficult areas of current 3D image analysis due to the diversity of driving situations, the real time request, and expectations to look about 2-10 seconds ahead - what may happen next in front of the car, at the location where the ego-vehicle is expected to be? Actually, car companies have started about in 1995 to integrate vision solutions into their products. The talk will focus on stereo and motion analysis of real-world sequences recorded with a test vehicle on Auckland's roads, with special emphasis on selected tasks, proposed solutions and their performance evaluation.

Angelegt am 14.05.2012 von Gerlinde Steinhoff
Geändert am 02.07.2012 von Gerlinde Steinhoff
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Kolloquium der Informatik