

Michalke, Sophie; DeYoung, Gerrit (2020): „Social network analysis and school. A systematic mapping of the research field“.  Presentation at Conference "Why Networks?" German Association of Network Research (DGNet), Schader Stiftung, Darmstadt (Germany), 03/03/2020.


Michalke, S.; van Ophuysen, S. (2019): „Cohesion in school classes - A question of operationalization? Correlation analyses by group and dyad level“. 10th Annual Conference of DGfE (AEPF/KBBB), Münster (Germany), 09/17/2019.

Michalke, Sophie; Schürer, Sina; van Ophuysen, Stefanie; (): "More diversity = Less cohesion? Relation of heterogeneity and cohesion in inclusive primary school classes". Presentation at 7th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), University of Cologne (Germany), .

Garrote, Ariana; Michalke, Sophie; van Ophuysen, Stefanie (): "Performance-related homophily in inclusive classes: How similar are pupils who work and play together?". Presentation at 7th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), University of Cologne (Germany), .


Schürer, Sina; Michalke, Sophie; van Ophuysen, Stefanie (): "More social participation in cohesive classes? First results of the intervention study SoPaKo". Presentation at 83th Conference of Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany), 09/26/2018.

Michalke, Sophie; Schürer, Sina; van Ophuysen, Stefanie; (): "Group cohesion in primary school classes. Relation between sociometric and psychometric assessment". Presentation at 83th Conference of Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany),


Schürer, S., Behrmann, L. & van Ophuysen, S. (2017). Differenzierte Erfassung der Gruppenkohäsion in Schulklassen der Grundschule und der Erprobungstufe - Validierung eines standardisierten Erhebungsinstruments (GruKo4). Presentation at the PAEPSY Conference, Münster (Germany), 09/13/2017.






Röhl S., Michalke S., Schürer S., Scharenberg K., van Ophyusen S. (2019). How do students with special educational needs participate in classrooms with ethnic heterogeneity? In European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN), ETH Zurich (Switzerland).

van Ophusen, S., Michalke, S. & Schürer, S. (2019). Promoting Cohesion in (Inclusive) German Primary School Classes - First Results of an Intervention Study. In Annual Meeting American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto (Canada).

Michalke, S., Schürer, S. & van Ophuysen, S. (2019). Cohesion in Primary School Classes - Comparison of Sociometric and Psychometric Measures. In Annual Meeting American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto (Canada).


Schürer S, Michalke S, van Ophuysen S.  Social Participation through Cohesion (SoPaKo). First Results of the Intervention Study Poster Presentation contributed to the International Conference on Inclusion, Universität of Wuppertal (Germany), .

Schürer, S. & van Ophuysen, S. (2017). Gruppenkohäsion in Grundschulklassen und der Erprobungsstufe - Präsentation eines mehrdimensionalen Erhebungsinstruments. Poster Presentation at 5. GEBF, Heidelberg (Germany).