• Sample submission

    Prior to the first sample submission, please introduce yourself briefly to the NMR department to arrange your three-digit name code.

    Only samples in tubes with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 7 - 9 inches with tight-fitting caps will be measured. Make sure that the filling height is at least 4.5 cm and that the sample does not contain any suspended matter or air bubbles (e.g. remove with membrane filter or ultrasonic bath). The tubes must be absolutely clean on the outside.

    Please fill out an NMR order slip for each sample and label the sample tube with the corresponding flag.

    The fume hood for sample delivery is located in the anteroom (B100.020) of the NMR measuring room (B100.021).

  • Experiments

    A 1H spectrum must be recorded from each sample before further measurements (duration approx. 7 min).

    For the structural elucidation of unknown substances, a 13C spectrum and two-dimensional correlation spectra should also be recorded, e.g. a gCOSY, gHSQC and gHMBC spectrum (duration of these five measurements approx. 2 - 6 h depending on the instrument and sample). Depending on the objective of the measurements, further experiments are performed (e.g. additionally NOESY, TOCSY, 19F, 31P and many others).

  • Data and evaluation

    All data are made available on the \\pz-messdaten server.

    In the service folders of the instruments you can find the results of the regular system tests.

    For the evaluation of the data the software MNova is available in the NWZ of the department. Helpful information can be found on the page of the Organic Chemistry Institute.