
  • Übersicht unserer Forschungsthemen

    Abbildung Forschung der AG Philipp
    © Uni MS - AG Philipp
  • Bacterial metabolism of steroid compounds

    Steroids are ubiquitous organic compounds with diverse functions in eukaryotic organisms. In bacteria, steroids occur only as rare exceptions. However, many bacteria are able to transform and degrade steroid compounds as part of the global carbon cycle.  Continue

  • Bacterial degradation of synthetic compounds

    Synthetic compounds are constantly and increasingly entering our environment. These include plastic, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and all kinds of industrial chemicals. It is desirable to remove synthetic compounds from waste- and surface-waters via microbial degradation.  Continue

  • Bacterial cell-aggregation and biofilm formation

    In their natural habitats bacteria predominantly live in cell aggregates and biofilms. Cells within these multicellular structures have physiological properties that distinguish them from freely suspended cells. An important property of aggregated cells is a higher tolerance against stresses, such as toxic chemicals. Continue

  • Interspecific interactions of bacteria

    In their natural habitats bacteria are engaged in numerous interactions with other microorganisms. It can be assumed that a high number of the genes within bacterial genomes, which encode proteins of unknown function, might have roles in interspecific interactions of bacteria. Continue

  • Eco friendly COlourants for Polymer PrOducts (ECOPRO) & Curcumine based sustainable colours (CurCol)

    The Interreg NWE project ECOPRO continues the previous project CurCol. The aim of the project is to develop sustainable and biodegradable colourants for packaging materials. Continue

  • Bürgerbeteiligung in der Bioökonomie (BIOCIVIS)

    Biotechnologische Prozesse wie die Reinigung von Abwasser, die Produktion von Biogas und die Erzeugung bio-basierter Chemikalien sind heute bereits wichtiger Bestandteil einer bioökonomischen Wirtschaftsweise. Im Sinne einer Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstoßes und der Nutzung von Biomasse anstelle fossiler Rohstoffe haben derartige Prozesse das Potential zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit vieler weiterer Verfahren beizutragen. Weiter

  • Citizen-Science-Projekt: Abbau von Bioplastik im Heimkompost (KompoBioPlast@Home?)

    Bioplastik wie PLA (Polymilchsäure) verspricht biologisch abbaubar zu sein. Das Citizen-Science-Projekt KompoBioPlast@Home? beschäftigt sich mit dem Abbau von Bioplastik im Heimkompost. In diesem Projekt können Bürger*innen zur Erforschung Plastik-abbauender Mikroorganismen beitragen, indem Sie Materialproben (v.a. das biobasierte Plastik PLA) in ihrem eigenen Kompost inkubieren. Weiter