Mass Mail

Service: If you are an employee of the administration and want to send an e-mail to a larger group of recipients at Münster University (e.g. students or employees), the CIT will take care of the dispatch. Please note that we need at least one week's notice for such a mass mail.

Target Group: employees of the administration

Usage Costs: free of charge

Application: Form (Self-Service-Portal) [de]

Contact: Service Desk

  • Manual

    If you want to send a mass mail, we need the following information from you:

    • Sending Address: The mails are digitally signed. The sending adresses are:
      For concerns of the students: rektorat.rundmail@uni-muenster.de
      For concerns of the employees: verwaltung.rundmail@uni-muenster.de
    • Sender: The institution to be displayed as sender. As the employees of FB 05 are not part of our SAP personelsystem, please inform us of this group of persons separately.
    • Adress for reply: The adress, where the replies go in.
    • Subject: Max. 80 characters including spaces
    • Text: Ideally as a Word document including formatting
    • Attachments: PDF only
    • Dispatch Date: If you want your mass mail to be sent on a certain date, please let us know.

    If you have a list with the e-mail addresses of all recipients, please send it to us as an Excel file. If this is not the case, you will need approval from Department 1 (mass mail to students) and/or Department 3 (mass mail to employees). Please send an e-mail with the above information and a description of the recipient group to the responsible contact person:

    Department 1

    Department 3

    As soon as we have received the approval, we will compile the mass mail and send you a test mail. Once you have confirmed that the e-mail in its current version meets your requirements, the dispatch will be started.