{- Spatial Reference Examples Examples from the COSIT 2011 submission (c) Werner Kuhn Last modified: 7 Apr 2011 (WK) -} module SpatialReferenceExamples where import SpatialReference -- entities box75 = Entity {name = "the box ", person = False, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5)], heading = none, motion = none} box73 = Entity {name = "the box ", person = False, position = (7,3), footprint = [(7,3)], heading = none, motion = none} box65 = Entity {name = "the box ", person = False, position = (6,5), footprint = [(6,5)], heading = none, motion = none} box95 = Entity {name = "the box ", person = False, position = (9,5), footprint = [(9,5)], heading = none, motion = none} person55 = Entity {name = "the person ", person = True, position = (5,5), footprint = [(5,5)], heading = right, motion = none} person75 = Entity {name = "the person ", person = True, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5)], heading = right, motion = none} person73 = Entity {name = "the person ", person = True, position = (7,3), footprint = [(7,3)], heading = right, motion = none} chair55 = Entity {name = "the chair ", person = False, position = (5,5), footprint = [(5,5)], heading = right, motion = none} ball75 = Entity {name = "the ball ", person = False, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5)], heading = none, motion = none} wall105 = Entity {name = "the wall ", person = False, position = (10,5), footprint = [(10,4), (10,5), (10,6)], heading = none, motion = none} car5565 = Entity {name = "the car ", person = False, position = (5,5), footprint = [(5,5), (6,5)], heading = right, motion = none} room6575 = Entity {name = "the room ", person = False, position = (6,5), footprint = [(6,5), (7,5)], heading = none, motion = none} country6575 = Entity {name = "the country ", person = False, position = (6,5), footprint = [(6,5), (7,5)], heading = none, motion = none} town75 = Entity {name = "the town ", person = False, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5)], heading = none, motion = none} wheel93 = Entity {name = "the wheel ", person = False, position = (9,3), footprint = [(9,3)], heading = forward, motion = forward} river7595 = Entity {name = "the river ", person = False, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5),(8,5),(9,5)], heading = right, motion = none} peter95 = Entity {name = "Peter ", person = True, position = (9,5), footprint = [(9,5)], heading = none, motion = none} mary75 = Entity {name = "Mary ", person = True, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5)], heading = none, motion = none} queue7595 = Entity {name = "the queue ", person = False, position = (7,5), footprint = [(7,5),(8,5),(9,5)], heading = right, motion = none} -- situations s1 = Situation box75 person55 person55 s2 = s1 s3 = s1 s4 = Situation person75 person55 person55 s5 = s4 s6 = Situation box73 ball75 person55 s7 = s6 s8 = s6 s9 = Situation person73 ball75 person55 s10 = s9 s11 = Situation box73 person75 person55 s12 = s11 s13a = Situation box65 ball75 person55 s13b = Situation box95 ball75 person55 s14 = Situation box95 ball75 ball75 s15 = Situation box95 wall105 ball75 -- considering the wall (not the ball) as relatum, but the ball as origin s16 = Situation box75 car5565 car5565 s17 = Situation box65 car5565 car5565 s18 = Situation box65 room6575 person55 s20 = Situation town75 country6575 country6575 {- s17 = Situation {locatum = box65, relatum = car5565, perspective = heading car5565, origin = position car5565, speaker = external, addressee = external, participants = []} -- locatum = participant, relatum = participant, origin = participant 333 s18 = Situation {locatum = box75, relatum = room6575, perspective = invert (heading person55), origin = position person55, speaker = person55, addressee = external, participants = []} -- locatum = participant, relatum = participant, origin = speaker 331 -- s22 is a 3d case, not treated s23 = Situation {locatum = box95, relatum = ball75, perspective = motion wheel93, origin = outside, speaker = external, addressee = external, participants = []} -- locatum = participant, relatum = participant, origin = participant 333 s24 = Situation {locatum = box95, relatum = ball75, perspective = heading river7595, origin = position ball75, speaker = external, addressee = external, participants = []} s25 = Situation {locatum = peter95, relatum = mary75, perspective = heading queue7595, origin = position mary75, speaker = external, addressee = external, participants = []} -} -- discourses d1 = Discourse (Just person55) Nothing [box75] d2 = Discourse Nothing (Just person55) [box75] d3 = Discourse Nothing Nothing [box75] d4 = Discourse (Just person75) (Just person55) [] d5 = Discourse (Just person55) (Just person75) [] d6 = Discourse (Just person55) Nothing [box73, ball75] d7 = Discourse Nothing (Just person55) [box73, ball75] d8 = Discourse Nothing Nothing [box73, ball75] d9 = Discourse (Just person73) (Just person55) [] d10 = Discourse (Just person55) (Just person73) [] d11 = Discourse (Just person75) Nothing [box73] d12 = Discourse (Just person55) (Just person75) [box73] d13a = Discourse (Just person55) Nothing [box73, ball75] d13b = Discourse (Just person55) Nothing [box73, ball75] d14 = Discourse Nothing Nothing [box95, ball75] d15 = Discourse Nothing Nothing [box95, ball75, wall105] -- sentences t1 = describe s1 d1 t2 = describe s2 d2 t3 = describe s3 d3 t4 = describe s4 d4 t5 = describe s5 d5 t6 = describe s6 d6 t7 = describe s7 d7 t8 = describe s8 d8 t9 = describe s9 d9 t10 = describe s10 d10 t11 = describe s11 d11 t12 = describe s12 d12 t13a = describe s13a d13a t13b = describe s13b d13b t14 = describe s14 d14 t15 = describe s15 d15