Table Plugin

Gives extra control off table display:

  • Allows sorting
  • Changing background color for header cells
  • Changing background color for data cells - colors can alternate
  • Behaviour can be specified for a specific table using %TABLE{...}% or with global preferences

Global Preferences

  • Set DEBUG to on to get debug messages in data/debug.txt. Default: off
    • Set DEBUG = off
  • Table border width. Default: 1
    • Set TABLEBORDER = 3
  • Table cell padding. Default: 0
    • Set CELLPADDING = 5
  • Table cell spacing. Default: 1
    • Set CELLSPACING = 2
  • Color for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
    • #Set HEADER_BG = red
  • Background color for table rows, two alternate colors. Default: #FFFFCC,#FFFFFF
  • Make sortable:
    • #Set SORT = attachments
    • Set SORT = all
    • #Set SORT = none
  • Short description:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns


Click on column heading text to sort by a column. Initial column will be sorted in descending order, click again to get ascending order. The type of data in the cell is determined automatically:

  • date if format is:
    • dd MMM YYY - hh:mm
    • dd-MMM-YY or dd-MM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
    • MMM is Jan, Feb, etc
  • number is digits, with optional decimal point
  • otherwise treated as text

Per table settings

On line before the table use %TABLE{...}%:

Argument Comment Example
sort Set on or off sort="on"
headerbg Header cell background colour headerbg="#99CCCC"
databg Data cell background colour, a comma seperated list databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"
tableborder Table border width (pixels) tableborder="2"
cellpadding Cell padding (pixels) cellpadding="0"
cellspacing Cell spacing (pixels) cellspacing="3"

All default to the global setting


Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}%

Num Status Action Who When Progress
1 C Chose new colours John 1-Dec-02  
2 X Release John 1-Apr-02  
3   Get feedback Anne 1-Feb-02  
12 C Spec error handling Jack 1-Dec-02  
5   Abc John    

-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 15 Nov 2001

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif diamond.gif r1 manage 0.9 K 2001-11-14 - 03:13 UnknownUser Diamond symbol
GIFgif down.gif r1 manage 0.8 K 2001-11-14 - 03:13 UnknownUser Down arrow
GIFgif up.gif r1 manage 0.9 K 2001-11-14 - 03:13 UnknownUser Up arrow
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Topic revision: r3 - 2001-11-16 - PeterThoeny
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