
palma3 is the login node to a newer part of the PALMA system. It has various queues/partitions for different purposes:

  • u0dawin: A queue for general purpose. It is usable for everyone, even without being a member of the groups that have submittet a proposal for PALMA. It replaces the old ZIVHPC cluster
  • k20gpu: Four nodes equipped with 3 K20 nVidia Tesla accelerators each
  • normal: 44 nodes with 32 Broadwell CPU cores each. (Not fully installed yet)
  • zivsmp: A SMP machine with 512 GB RAM. The old login node of ZIVHPC. (At the moment still part of ZIVHPC.)
  • phi: 2 Nodes with 4 Intel Xeon Phi accelerators each. (A part of ZIVHPC at the moment).

The batch system

The batch system on PALMA3 is SLURM, but there is a wrapper for PBS installed, so most of your skripts should still be able to work. If you want to switch to SLURM, this document might help you:

When using PBS skript, there are some differences to PALMA:

  • The first line of the submit script has to be #!/bin/bash
  • A queue is called partition in terms of SLURM. These terms will be used synonymous here.
  • The variable $PBS_O_WORKDIR will not be set. Instead you will start in the directory in which the script resides.
  • For using the "module add" command, you will have to source some scripts first: "source /etc/profile.d/; source /etc/profile.d/"

Submit a job

Show running jobs

  • squeue
  • qstat
  • showq

Show information about the queues

scontrol show partition

Running interactive jobs with SLURM

Use for example the following command:

srun -p u0dawin -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=8 --pty bash

This starts a job in the u0dawin queue/partition on one node with eight cores.

-- Holger Angenent - 2016-08-22

This topic: Anleitungen > WebHome > HPC > PALMA3
Topic revision: r4 - 2016-09-05 - HolgerAngenent
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