High Performance Computing

General Notes

The ZIV is offering services in the field of scientific computing. You can run your codes on hardware that offers much more performance than modern desktop computers.

HPC systems offered by the ZIV

At the moment, the ZIV is running the following HPC systems:

  • PALMAII The 800 TFLOPs cluster of ZIV.
  • NWZPHI A Linux-Cluster consisting of 336 CPU cores and 98 Intel Xeon Phi Accelerators (End of Life, please don't use NWZPHI anymore)

Requirements for using the HPC Systems

To be able to log in to PALMAII, you have to:

  • Register for the group u0clstr in MeinZIV
  • If possible change your main group according to your work group in MeinZIV
  • Read the manual how to use PALMAII

Usage statistics

PALMA II: PALMA-Statistics Current usage (Ganglia)


Wir möchten Sie darum bitten, die Publikationen, die Sie mit Hilfe unserer HPC-Systeme erstellt haben, mit einem entsprechenden Hinweis in die Forschungsdatenbank einzutragen. Eine Anleitung dazu finden Sie hier: https://www.uni-muenster.de/imperia/md/content/mitarbeiterportal/forschung/cris/anleitungen/anleitung_forschungsinfrastruktur.pdf

Lectures and Contact

Once a semester there is a lecture (in German) about the usage of our HPC systems and parallel programming. You should already have some Linux and C/C++ knowledge to participate.

If you have questions regarding High Performance Computing at the ZIV, you can write us to hpc@uni-muenster.de (of course in German, too).

News on HPC

Get news on HPC topics at the WWU: https://listserv.uni-muenster.de/mailman/listinfo/hpc-l


This topic: Anleitungen > WebHome > HPC
Topic revision: r38 - 2019-02-15 - HolgerAngenent
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