UpToDate nun mit täglichen Updates

Die klinische Reviews-Datenbank UpToDate steht ab sofort tagesaktuell unter http://www.uptodate.com/online zur Verfügung. Wie die Editoren unten erklären, wurde der sequentielle Update-Prozeß in einen kontinuierlichen umgewandelt. Nun wird nicht mehr 4 Monate gewartet, sondern sobald ein Topic eine Änderung erfahren hat, wird diese online freigeschaltet. Auf diese Weise werden 150 bis 200 Reviews jeden Tag aktualisiert!

We have moved to a continuous publishing format. In the past we always published important updates as soon as they moved through our peer review process, and supplemented this with periodic bulk uploading of the remaining updates to coincide with our DVD publishing cycle. Now we will be providing all updates to the program when peer review is complete. Our initial testing of this process has demonstrated that we change approximately 150 to 200 topics per day. You can always find what our editors determine to be the most important updates by checking out our What’s New section on the UpToDate toolbar.

UpToDate covers over 9,500 topics in 19 medical specialties (with more than 8,500 evidence graded) and includes more than 100,000 pages of text, plus graphics, links to Medline abstracts, more than 320,000 references and a drug database. Our physician editors and authors review and update our content continuously.