Neues Online-Buch: Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy

Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy
Edited by: David T. Curiel and Joanne T. Douglas
Elsevier 2002, 890 S., ISBN: 978-0-12-199504-1

Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy ist eines der gut 1.000 Onlinebücher des Verlags Elsevier, welche die Zweigbibliothek Ende 2008 kaufen konnte. In den folgenden Wochen wird die ZB Med einige der Bücher und Buchserien exemplarisch vorstellen. „Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy provides detailed and comprehensive coverage of these important therapeutic agents. The topics covered in this book range from the basic biology of adenoviruses, through the construction and purification of adenoviral vectors, cutting-edge vectorology and the use of adenoviral vectors in preclinical animal models, to regulatory issues which must be considered prior to the initiation of human clinical gene therapy trials. The broad scope of this unique volume provides the reader with a complete understanding of the development and use of adenoviral vectors.“