• Travel

    Flying in:

    The closest airport is Münster/Osnabrück (FMO); quite convenient (25 min by taxi), but with very few connections.

    Dortmund (DTM) is not much further away (1h by train), but with even less connections.

    Düsseldorf (DUS) has a lot of national and international flights; there are frequent train connections (1.5h, direct or 1 change) to Münster.

    Köln/Bonn (CGN) also works, but is slightly further away than DUS.

    Frankfurt (FRA) is a major hub; appr. 3.5h by train from Münster.

    Amsterdam (AMS): Many flights. Appr. 4h by train.

    By train:

    Alight at Münster Hauptbahnhof (Hbf). From there it is 10 minutes by cab to the department, or to your hotel. You can also take the bus (less than 20 minutes), or walk (a good 30 minutes).

    Getting around:

    Münster is very walkable. It’s also very bike-friendly; at the station or downtown you can rent a bicycle (from the Radstation).

  • Accommodation

    We ask all participants to take care of their own accommodation.

    Below is a list of possible hotels not too far from our institute, where we booked some rooms. Please book under the keyword "Wolfgang Lück" until April 30, 2017 to take advantage of our university discount.

    Hotel available rooms Price/night
    Hotel Jellentrup single /double approx. 78-98 €
    Hotel Bakenhof single approx. 80 €
    Haus Niemann single / double approx. 75 €
    Nordstern Hostel single / double / triple approx. 19,80 €/person

    You can also book your accommodation in Münster here.