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  • BA & MA Modellstudiengang 2005

    Examiners of the Department of Sport and Exercise Psychology: Prof. Bernd Strauß, Prof.`in Maike Tietjens, Dr. Sebastian Brückner, Dr. Dennis Dreiskämper, Dr. Barbara Halberschmidt, Dr. Linda Schücker, Dr. Vera Storm, Dr. Till Utesch

    Modulexamination "Sport and Exercise Psychology"

    Commissioner: Prof. Bernd Strauß
    Modul: 2fach-BA: M4; FBJE: M4 (pdf)
    Modul: GG, BK: fachwissenschaftliches Wahlpflichtmodul, Hauptstudium (pdf)

    Please make sure, that the forms are organized by the PA, completed by the candidate/yourself and will be returned at the service center! Make sure that your chosen special subject is registered!

    Modulexamination "Development and Learning"

    Commissioner: Prof. Heiko Wagner and Prof. Bernd Strauß
    Registration for the exam carried out by the department of sport and exercise psychology at the secretariat Strauß
    Registration for the exam carried out by the department of movement sciences  at the secretariat Wagner

    Modul: KiJu-BA: M4, Modul: Hauptstudium GHR, GG und BK, Modul: 2fach Master, FBJE Master (pdf)

    Final papers, thesis

    You can find information about thesis (BA/MA), topics and mentoring on the pages of the team of the Department of Sport and Exercise Psychology and the following downloads (in german language).

    Advice on your master thesis (pdf)
    Advice on your bachelor thesis (pdf)
    Guideline for thesis in Sport Psychology