Afternoon of the graduate school

Early career researchers present interdisciplinary research at the Cluster of Excellence

© exc /Peter Leßmann

Doctoral students from the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” gave an insight into their research at the “Afternoon of the Graduate School” on May 28, 2024. The lectures from the fields of Ancient History and Arabic and Islamic Studies examined the relationship between urbanization and religion in the ancient metropolis of Ephesus on the one hand and the role of poetry as a medium of political communication in the Middle East on the other.

The theses presented for discussion were commented on by researchers from the Cluster of Excellence. The aim of the “Afternoon of the Graduate School” is to initiate an interdisciplinary discussion on topics and concepts that play an important role in the doctoral projects of doctoral students at the Cluster and are the subject of academic controversy. 

The Graduate School at the Cluster of Excellence has been offering doctoral students from the humanities and social sciences an interdisciplinary doctoral programme since 2007. The structured programme sees doctoral students focus on a theme where religion and politics overlap, and helps early career researchers to participate in Cluster of Excellence research projects independently. (tec/pie)



14:15: Welcome and presentation of the Graduate School: Prof. Dr. Christel Gärtner

14:30 to 15:30: Presentation of the dissertation project by Jonas Schüren, M.A. (Ancient History)
“The legacy of Lysimachus: Investigations into religious dynamics in Hellenistic Ephesus”
Commentary: Prof. Dr. Patrick Sänger (Ancient History)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Schmitt

15:30 to 16:00: Coffee break

16:00 to 17:00: Presentation of the dissertation project by Jens Fischer, M.A. (Arabic and Islamic Studies):
“Diplomatic Poetry. Arabic praise poems in legations to the caliph's court (1150-1250)”
Commentary: Prof. Dr. Syrinx von Hees (Arabic and Islamic Studies)
Moderation: PD Dr. Felicity Jensz