Persecution for God’s Sake

Politico-religious Conflicts in the Pre-Modern and Modern Age


Tuesdays, from 6.15 to 7.45 p.m., Lecture hall F2 at the Fürstenberghaus, Domplatz 20-22

The persecution of heretics, for the sake of their religion, is a phenomenon that, in the secular modern age, was believed to have been overcome. This turned out to be a delusion. What heretics were made to experience at different times on behalf of the majority society and what they are still experiencing today ranges from more or less rigid discrimination, social exclusion and the demolition of sacred sites to physical destruction. As far as this is concerned, members of one and the same religion may act as persecutor on one occasion and be the persecuted on the next. This applies to Christianity as well as to many other religions. The reasons for persecuting “for God’s sake”, therefore, cannot be found in religion alone – rather, they need to be reconstructed from the individual historical overall context.

The public lecture series looks into the discrimination and persecution of heretics across medieval and modern history. Topics range from the Christian fight against heresy in the early Middle Ages and the confessional conflicts of the early modern age to the struggle between church and state in the GDR as well as the persecution of Buddhists in communist Cambodia. Representatives from various disciplines – from history, religious studies, sociology, theology, book science, Romance and Byzantine studies – will take the floor.


09.04.2013 Gerd Althoff, Münster Beata persecutio. Verfolgung der „Bösen“ als Akt der Liebe und des Erbarmens (5.-13. Jahrhundert)
16.04.2013 Detlef Pollack, Münster Der Triumph des Kommunismus über das Christentum: Kirchenkampf in der DDR
23.04.2013 Michael Grünbart, Münster Häresiebekämpfung im byzantinischen Mittelalter
30.04.2013 Ulrich Pfister, Münster Italienischer Späthumanismus und reformierte Konfessionalisierung. Die welschen Exulanten, 2. Hälfte 16. Jahrhundert
07.05.2013 Ian Harris, Carlisle Buddhism under Pol Pot: Monk Mortality and Ideological Absorption
14.05.2013 Max Deeg, Cardiff Unsanftes Erwachen – antibuddhistische Polemik und reale Buddhistenverfolgung im frühmittelalterlichen China
28.05.2013 Gabriele Müller-Oberhäuser, Münster „Bloody Bonner“: Bischof Edmund Bonner und die Verfolgung der Protestanten unter Maria I. von England (1553-1558)
04.06.2013 Johannes Heil, Heidelberg Differenz, Kohabitation und Konflikt – Juden und Christen im Mittelalter
11.06.2013 Thomas Scharff, Braunschweig „Rex, quem Deus ipse docet“. Häresie und Königtum in der Karolingerzeit
18.06.2013 Bernard Heyberger, Paris Verfolgung, Diskriminierung und Zusammenleben: Christen im Nahen Osten (17.-21 Jahrhundert)
25.06.2013 Karin Westerwelle, Münster Zensur und freie Rede. Montaignes Essais im religionspolitischen Kontext
02.07.2013 Scott Hendrix, Princeton Luthers Bauernkrieg. Realpolitik oder Politik ohne Barmherzigkeit?
09.07.2013 Hans-Werner Goetz, Hamburg Wahrnehmung anderer Religionen im mittelalterlichen Christentum

Summer Semester 2013
Tuesdays,18.15 bis 19.45 Uhr
Lecture hall F2 at the Fürstenberghaus
Domplatz 20-22
48143 Münster

Lecture series of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” in cooperation with the Centrum für Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung (Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, CMF).