Forschungsbericht 1999-2000   
WWU-Logo Graduiertenkolleg
"Nichtlineare kontinuierliche Systeme und deren
Untersuchung mit numerischen, qualitativen und experimentellen Methoden"

Corrensstr. 2/4
48149 Münster
Tel. (0251) 83-3 35 11
Fax: (0251) 83-3 3513

Sprecher: Prof. Dr. H.-G. Purwins

[Pfeile  gelb] Forschungsschwerpunkte 1999 - 2000
Graduiertenkolleg "Nichtlineare kontinuierliche Systeme und deren Untersuchung mit numerischen, qualitativen und experimentellen Methoden"
Quantisierte nichtlineare Systeme

Quantisierte nichtlineare Systeme

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

Prof. Dr. T. Kuhn, Prof. Dr. G. Münster


Axt, V.M., M. Herbst, and T. Kuhn: Coherent Control of Phonon Quantum Beats, Superlattices and Microstructures 26, 117 (1999a)

Axt, V.M., K. Siantidis, M. Herbst, T. Kuhn, S. Grosse, M. Koch, and J. Feldmann: Coherent and Incoherent Aspects of the Coupled Exciton-Phonon System, Materials Science Forum 297-298, 79 (1999b)

Campos, I., A. Feo, R. Kirchner, S. Luckmann, I. Montvay, G. Münster, K. Spanderen, and J. Westphalen: Monte Carlo Simulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory with Light Gluinos, Eur. Phys. J. C 11, 507 (1999)

Csikor, F., Z. Fodor, and J. Heitger: The Strength of the Electroweak Phase Transition at mH = 80 GeV, Phys. Letters B 441, 354 (1998)

Csikor, F., Z. Fodor, and J. Heitger: Endpoint of the Hot Electroweak Phase Transition, Phys. Rev. Letters 82, 21 (1999a)

Csikor, F., Z. Fodor, and J. Heitger: Where Does the Hot Electroweak Phase Transition End? Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 73, 659 (1999b)

Farchioni, F., A. Feo, T. Galla, C. Gebert, R. Kirchner, I. Montvay, G. Münster, and A. Vladikas: SUSY Ward identities in N=1 SYM Theory on the Lattice, hep-lat/0010053 (2000a)

Farchioni, F., A. Feo, T. Galla, C. Gebert, R. Kirchner, I. Montvay, G. Münster, and A. Vladikas: On the 1-loop Lattice Perturbation Theory of the Supersymmetric Ward Identities, hep-lat/0011030 (2000b)

Feo, A., R. Kirchner, S. Luckmann, I. Montvay, and G. Münster: Numerical Simulation of Dynamical Gluinos in SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory: First Results, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 83, 661 (2000a)

Feo, A., R. Kirchner, I. Montvay, and A. Vladikas: Low-Energy Features of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory with Light Gluinos, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 83, 670 (2000b)

Göttker-Schnetmann, J.: O(N)-Invariant Hierarchical Renormalization Group Fixed Points by Algebraic Numerical Computation and Epsilon-Expansion, cond-mat/9909418 (1999)

Göttker-Schnetmann, J.: Analytische und numerische Untersuchungen Z2- und O(2)-symmetrischer Modelle: Linked Cluster Entwicklung, Renormierungsgruppe und kritische Exponenten, Dissertation, Münster (2000)

Hauke, M.: Semiklassische Streuung an einem offenen dispersiven Billard, Dissertation, Universität Münster (2000)

Herbst, M., T. Kuhn, and V.M. Axt: Coherent Control of Carrier-Phonon Scattering Processes, Physica B 272, 356 (1999)

Herbst, M., V.M. Axt, and T. Kuhn: Temporally and Spatially Resolved Electron-Phonon Quantum Kinetics, phys. stat. sol. (b) 221, 419 (2000)

Kaindl, R.A., S. Lutgen, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, B. Nottelmann, V.M. Axt, T. Kuhn, A. Hase, and H. Künzel: Ultrafast Dephasing of Coherent Intersubband Polarizations in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3575 (1978)

Kirchner, R., S. Luckmann, I. Montvay, K. Spanderen, and J. Westphalen: Numerical Simulation of Dynamical Gluinos: Experience with a Multi-Bosonic Algorithm and First Results, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 73, 828 (1999a)

--,: Evidence for Discrete Chiral Symmetry Breaking in N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory, Phys. Letters B 446, 209 (1999b)

Kuhn, T.: Density Matrix Theory of Coherent Ultrafast Dynamics, in: Theory of Transport Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures, Ed. E. Schöll (Chapman and Hall, London, 1998) S. 173

Kuhn, T., V.M. Axt, M. Herbst, and E. Binder: Coherent Control of Heavy-Light Hole and Phonon Quantum Beats, in: Coherent Control in Atoms, Molecules, and Semiconductors, Eds. W. Pötz and W.A. Schroeder (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999) S. 113

Münster, G.: Critical Phenomena, Strings, and Interfaces, in: "Theory of Elementary Particles", Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium Ahrenshoop, September 1997, Buckow, Germany, Ed. H. Dorn, D. Lüst, G. Weigt, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, p. 335 (1998)

Münster, G., and S. Rotsch: Analytical Calculation of the Nucleation Rate for First Order Phase Transitions beyond the Thin Wall, Approximation, Eur. Phys. J. C 12, 161 (2000a)

Münster, G., A. Strumia, and N. Tetradis: Comparison of Two Methods for Calculating Nucleation Rates, Phys. Lett. A 271, 80 (2000b)

Münster, G., and S. Rutkevich: Semiclassical Calculation of the Nucleation Rate for First Order Phase Transitions in the 2-Dimensional F4-Model beyond the Thin Wall Approximation, cond-mat/0009016 (2000c)

Münster, G., and C. Kamp: Distribution of Instanton Sizes in a Simplified Instanton Gas Model, Eur. Phys. J. C 17, 447 (2000d)

Nottelmann, B., V.M. Axt, and T. Kuhn: Many-Body Effects in Intersubband Transitions of Modulation-Doped Quantum Wells, Physica B 272, 234 (1999)

Pinn, K., M. Rehwald, and C. Wieczerkowski: On the Stability of the O(N)-Invariant and the Cubic-Invariant 3-Dimensional N-Component Renormalization Group Fixed Points in the Hierarchical Approximation, J. Stat. Phys. 95, 1 (1999)

Spanderen, K.: Monte-Carlo-Simulationen einer SU(2) Yang-Mills-Theorie mit dynamischen Gluinos, Dissertation, Münster (1998)

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Hans-Joachim Peter
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Datum: 2001-04-04