Forschungsbericht 1997-98   
WWU-Logo Institut für Ökologie der Pflanzen
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48143 Münster
Tel. (0251) 83-23831
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Geschäftsführender Direktor: Prof. Dr. D.J. von Willert

[Pfeile blau] Forschungsschwerpunkte 1997 - 1998
Fachbereich 18 - Biologie
Institut für Ökologie der Pflanzen
Wechselwirkungen Pflanze - Umwelt

Comparison of gas exchange systems

There are a couple of gas exchange systems available for field measurements of CO2-exchange and transpiration. These so called portable mostly battery driven porometers sample only one leaf or part of one leaf. They are mainly used for spot measurements of a great number of leaves of one species or to compare gas exchange features of a greater number of species growing at the same site. We had the chance to compare two of those portable systems with a stationary minicuvette system using bigger samples and measuring continuously. The advantages and disadvantages of each system have to be known before a system is used in a project dealing with the interactions between plants and environment.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Schimper-Stipendium, FRD (South Africa)

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

Prof. Dr. D.J. von Willert, Dr. G.F. Midgley, M. Steinberg, L.W. Powrie, G.W. Davis, M. Veste


Midgley, G.F., M. Veste, D.J. von Willert, G.W. Davis, M. Steinberg, L.W. Powrie: Comparative field performance of three different gas exchange systems. Bothalia 1997

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Hans-Joachim Peter
HTML-Einrichtung: Izabela Klak
Informationskennung: FO18BD01
Datum: 1999-11-17