... Lemm1
Institut für Theoretische Physik I, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str.9, D-48149 Münster, Germany, phone: (+49)251/83-34922, Fax (+49)251/83-36328, lemm@uni-muenster.de. The paper has been accepted for the 5th International Workshop on Fuzzy-Neuro Systems ´98.
... interpretation2
Minimizing the error functional $E[h]$ corresponds to a maximum posterior or saddle point approximation for the expected risk in a full Bayesian decision theory.
... space3
We neglect here specific problems appearing for infinite Hilbert spaces and use for example the $\delta$-function freely in the manner of physicists. We may also remark that we have to resort finally to a finite representation of functions $h(x)$ in all numerical calculations.