Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

- Fachbereich Physik -


Mittwoch, 10. Februar 1999

Dr. N. Burnham

EPFL Lausanne

Probing Mechanical Properties at the Nanoscale: Local Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Dynamic Force Spectroscopy,

and Friction Anisotropy

This presentation will cover three examples of how an atomic force microscope (AFM) can be used to determine mechanical properties-elasticity, damping adhesion, and friction-of the near surface of materials with lateral resolution of the order of some nanometers. The first topic, dynamic force spectroscopy, concerns interpretation of one of the commonly used data acquisition modes in AFM, where image contrast is excellent, but its interpretation still controversial. The second topic, local dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), is a proof-of-concept test of using an AFM analogously to macroscopic DMA. The test was performed on polymer blends through the glass transition of one of the components of the blend. The last topic, friction anisotropy, is a study of a model system, a thiolipid monolayer on mica, where it was found that a small tilt of the compliant molecule created both anisotropy and asymmetry in the friction signal.

Ort: Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9, Hörsaal 404

Zeit: 17 Uhr c.t.

Einladender: Fuchs