Der Vortrag fällt wegen Erkrankung der Sprecherin aus!!!

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

- Fachbereich Physik -


Montag, 2. Juni 1997

Prof. Dr. Maria Steslicka

Universität Breslauf, Polen

Electronic Surface Structure

of Semiconductor Superlattices

A review will be presented of some of our theoretical investigations of the occurrence, energy position and localization properties of electronic states, appearing inside mini-gaps and being localized near the superlattice internal surface. The talk will be restricted to gallium-arsenide-type superlattices represented by a terminated Kronig-Penney-type model and studied via the direct matching procedure, with density-of-states distributions computed within the framework of the Green function formalism. A comparison will be made with the existing experimental data.

Ort: Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9, Hörsaal 404

Zeit: 17 Uhr c.t.

Einladender: Pollmann

Der Vortrag fällt wegen Erkrankung der Sprecherin aus!!!