Doing What Works in Brief Therapy (Second Edition): A Strategic Solution Focused Approach
Author(s): Ellen K. Quick
Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-374175-2
„>Doing What Works in Brief Therapy is both a set of procedures for the therapist and a philosophy – one that is shared with clients and one that guides the work of the therapist. This second edition continues its excellence in offering clinicians a guide to doing what works in brief therapy- for whom, and when and how to use it. Psychotherapy that follows these guidelines validates the client?s most important concerns – and it often turns out to be surprisingly brief. Author, Ellen Quick integrates strategic and solution focused therapy and includes guidelines for tailoring technique and interventions to client characteristics and preferences. With clinically rich examples throughout, this book offers applications for couples, including indications for individual or conjoint sessions.