IFIP Working Group 2.2 Meeting
13-17 June 1995 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The meeting of the Working Group took place at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, and was hosted by Prof. J. de Bakker. Participants of the meeting included 16 members and 10 observers invited to the meeting.

The technical sessions of the working group meeting comprised of 19 presentations followed by extensive discussions. This time most talks addressed aspects of reactive systems, in particular temporal logic, real-time and hybrid systems, and semantics of concurrency. Other topics were system analysis, design and verification as well as semantics of specifications, problems in the lambda-calculus, and tools for proof development.

A list of the talks with links to their abstracts (and to the data on participants presenting the talks) follows.
Minutes of the technical sessions (PostScript) including these abstracts are also available.

WG 2.2 (darondeau@irisa.fr)