Gender consulting 

We would be happy to support you with implementing gender equality measures in your departments, research programmes and institutes. Our support services include:

  • advice on possible gender equality measures
  •  information on existing centralised measures
  •  support with implementing a “gender equality module” in applications (see text modules below)
  •  information on the use of gender-equitable written language

For more information, please contact Lena Kowalewski.

The University of Münster has set up a coordination office for DFG-funded structured programmes which provides support and advice on using funds for gender equality measures.

More information and contact details can be found on the intranet.

Please contact SAFIR if you have any general questions regarding submitting proposals and securing research funding.

Text modules on equal opportunity (German/English)

The gender-related text modules provide a more condensed and recent description of the University’s gender concept with regard to what extent the measures have been implemented. Faculties and departments of the University are welcome to use these modules as a basis for completing funding applications.
Text module on equal opportunity (English, PDF)
Text module on equal opportunity, condensed (English, PDF)

Databases with examples of equal opportunity measures

Gender Equality Online Database of the University of Münster  (GL.ON.DA)
INKA (Datenbank mit Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen des Kompetenzzentrums Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung, CEWS)

Best-Practice-Beispiele gleichstellungsfördernde Maßnahmen im Professorinnenprogramm [de] (BMBF)
Gleichstellungsprojekte an Hochschulen in NRW [de] (Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW)
GEAR  (Gender Equality in Academia and Research) action toolbox (European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE))

A gender dimension in research?

The IGAR tool ("Integrating Gender Analysis into Research") of the “Science with and for Society” project "ERA GENDER-NET" helps integrate the gender dimension into research projects and programmes in order to support research funding organisations, applicants and assessors and thus strengthen the integration of gender in research projects and processes.

Equal opportunity measures in Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs)

The German Research Foundation (DFG) promotes gender equality in Collaborative Research Centres (Sonderforschungsbereiche) by financing the following measures:

  • additional project-based funding for gender equality measures
  • funding for project managers to compensate for absences or reduced hours as a result of familial responsibilities
  • funding for project staff to compensate for absences or reduced hours as a result of parental leave or maternity protection
  • initial financing for project management positions

You can find more information on the DFG website and on the homepage of the coordination office for gender equality measures for DFG-funded structured programmes at the University of Münster.