Relieving Stress - Maintaining Work/Life Balance

Target group: interested employees

Stress is likely to affect all of us at some point in our lives. Learning how to reduce the stress that you encounter as you reach toward your professional goals will allow you to achieve these aims without damaging your health. From relationships and Work/Life balance to workload and an untidy desk this course offers advice on how to cope with, or avoid, the stress in your daily life. Invaluable information helps you to minimise the stress factor in your workplace by analysing the causes of stress, recognising its symptoms, and assessing how it is affecting you, and others.
Throughout the course advice on how to spot warning signals, how to relax, and how to help stressed staff is given.

Course content:

  • Understanding Stress
  • Analysing the Causes of Stress
  • Dealing with Stress at Work
  • Taking Action at Home

Methods: theoretical input, group discussions and group work

Trainer: Simon Bernardino, Business Learning Solutions, London

This course will be held in English. // Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.
