Laboratory animal science courses

Target group: Persons who conduct animal testing, experiment designers

In this laboratory animal science course, participants acquire the legally mandated expertise and skills required for competently conducting animal testing activities in accordance with § 2, § 3 and § 16 of the Animal Testing Protection Regulations (TierSchVersV) for the animal types mouse, rat and fish. The number of participants is limited to eight per course. Prior registration is required and is binding.

Course content:

  • Fundamental knowledge concerning current national and international laws related to animal protection (TierSchG, TierSchVersV, VersTierMeldV, current EU regulations)
  • Fundamentals of experiment design
  • Ethics and 3R
  • Breeding and keeping lab animals
  • Experimental methods
  • Fundamentals of anaesthesia
  • Fundamentals of stress and suffering of lab animals
  • Biology, care and special requirements of specific animal types

Please note: The new lab animal science training concept of the University of Münster is species-specific and modularly structured. Dates for additional lab animal science courses for other species are currently being planned and will be announced on this page shortly.

Be sure to set aside sufficient time for self-study (e-learning with success monitoring). Participants are responsible for acquiring the necessary expertise themselves from texts, images and videos. The course material on the scientific theory will be accessible for a period of eight weeks.

Methods: Self-learning programme (e-learning with success monitoring), practical exercises

Registration for the practice module

By registering for this module, you automatically grant your consent to our data protection policy.

You are asked to send additional personal data to us by email at after you have successfully registered. Please use your business email address for all correspondence.

Please note: Registration is only possible via this portal with a user ID. You don’t have one? Then simply complete and sign the data protection policy and send it to Team Fortbildung. The registration process may take several days to complete.

If you do not pass the exam on your first attempt, you may retake it once more at no additional charge. A passing grade on the online examination is a prerequisite for participation in the subsequent practice module. You will receive further details about the course after registering for the practice module.

Lab animal science course: Animal type mouse

Course coordinator: Antje Natrup, Occupational Health and Environment Protection Office (StabAU)

Practice module trainers: head and staff of the ZTE; Animal Welfare Officer of Münster University

Course fee: 250 euros

Lab animal science course: Animal type rat

Course coordinator: Antje Natrup, Occupational Health and Environment Protection Office (StabAU)

Practice module trainers: head and staff of the ZTE; Animal Welfare Officer of Münster University

Course fee: 250 euros

Lab animal science course: Animal type fish

Course coordinator: Antje Natrup, Occupational Health and Environment Protection Office (StabAU)

Practice module trainers: head and staff of ICOR

Course fee: 250 euros