Matthew Salewski (TU Berlin): Equivariance and reduced-order modelling
Monday, 19.09.2016 14:15 im Raum 120.029
The construction of reduced-order models from a dynamical system can
be enhanced when one uses properties of the system, such as the
equivariance of the system under the action of a Lie group. Using the
equivariance allows the dynamics to be reduced to a subspace where the
action of the group has been removed. This effect can be advantageous
when applied to systems of transport-dominated phenomena where the
transport can be attenuated or even neutralized, and the resulting dynamics may be more efficiently modelled.
Here, I discuss constructing reduced-order models using equivariance
in systems with transport-dominated phenomena. In addition, i will
comment on systems whose equivariance is not explicitly clear and show
some approaches used to deal with this when constructing a model.
Angelegt am 15.09.2016 von Carolin Gietz
Geändert am 12.05.2017 von Frank Wübbeling
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