N. N

Mittagssem.:Stefano Morra:Iwasawa Modules with extra structures and p-modular representations of GL2

Wednesday, 06.06.2012 11:00 im Raum SR 1C

Mathematik und Informatik

Let F be a nite extension of Qp. We associate, to certain smooth p-modular representations Pi of GL2(F), a module S(Pi) on the mod p Iwasawa of the standard Iwahori subgroup I of GL2(F). When F is unrami ed, we obtain a module on a suitable formally smooth Fq-algebra, endowed with an action of OxF (the units in the ring of integers of F) and an OxF equivariant, Frobenius semilinear endomorphism which turns out to be étale. We study the torsion properties of such module, as well as its Iwahori-radical ltration.

Angelegt am Monday, 14.05.2012 11:46 von N. N
Geändert am Monday, 04.06.2012 11:42 von N. N
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