N. N

Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik - Prof. Dr. Mihran Papikian (Universistät Saarbrücken): Modular curves over function fields and odd jacobians

Wednesday, 01.06.2011 11:00 im Raum SR 1C

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk we explain how the jacobians of modular curves arising from quaternion algebras over function fields can be used to construct examples of Tate-Shafarevich groups having non-square order. We will also discuss an explicit relationship of these jacobians with the jacobians of Drinfeld modular curves.

Angelegt am Monday, 23.05.2011 16:03 von N. N
Geändert am Monday, 23.05.2011 16:03 von N. N
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