N. N

PhD Esther Cabezas Rivas, Münster: How to apply optimal transport to build up Ricci solitons - auf diesen Vortrag wird besonders hingewiesen

Tuesday, 08.06.2010 12:00 im Raum N 2

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk, we will describe how we exploit the theory of Optimal Transport as a source of geometric intuition to build up the notion of Canonical Soliton. In particular, given a Ricci flow on a manifold M over a time interval I, we imagine the time parameter as an additional space direction and construct gradient Ricci solitons on the space-time M x I. As an application, we shall see how our construction encodes the monotonic quantities that underpin Perelman's work on Ricci Flow, and how old and new Harnack inequalities naturally arise as simple curvature conditions on the space-time solitons.

Angelegt am Monday, 31.05.2010 15:34 von N. N
Geändert am Monday, 31.05.2010 15:35 von N. N
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