Julia Moudden

Dr. Andrés Ángel (Hausdorff Institut, Bonn): Decompositions of cobordism groups of orbifolds

Monday, 08.02.2010 14:00 im Raum SR5

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: Orbifolds are useful generalizations of manifolds. In this talk I will present a framework to study cobordism of orbifolds. As application, I will show calculations of several cobordism groups of orbifolds in terms of usual smooth bordism theory, these decompositions involve information around the singular sets and provide a way to define invariants for orbifolds. These groups form the coefficients of a new generalized homology theory. Orbi-bordism.

Angelegt am Friday, 29.01.2010 11:07 von Julia Moudden
Geändert am Wednesday, 03.02.2010 13:21 von Julia Moudden
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