Sandra Huppert

Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie: Enric Sole-Farre (University College London)), Vortrag: Hitchin Functionals and Einstein Coindex of Cohomogeneity-One Nearly Kähler Manifolds

Monday, 07.10.2024 16:00 im Raum SRZ 214

Mathematik und Informatik

This talk will explore Hitchin functionals and the Einstein coindex of cohomogeneity one nearly Kähler 6-manifolds. Nearly Kähler manifolds are Riemannian 6-manifolds admitting real Killing spinors. They are the cross-sections of Riemannian cones with holonomy G2. Like the Einstein equation, the nearly Kähler condition has a variational interpretation in terms of volume functionals, first introduced by Hitchin in 2001. The existence problem for nearly Kähler manifolds is poorly understood and the only currently known inhomogeneous examples were found in 2017 by Foscolo and Haskins using cohomogeneity one methods. For one of their examples, we establish non-trivial bounds on the coindex of the Hitchin-type and Einstein functionals. We do this by analysing the eigenvalue problem for the Laplacian on coclosed primitive (1,1)-forms under a cohomogeneity-one symmetry assumption.

Angelegt am 30.08.2024 von Sandra Huppert
Geändert am 25.09.2024 von Sandra Huppert
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