Religious Diversity in Chinese Thought

Religious Diversity In Chinese Thought

Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan 2013
ISBN: 978-1-137-33319-3, $95

China looks back on a long history of religious diversity. Though not entirely free from conflicts, it was comparatively much more peaceful than the religious history of the West. What were the reasons? Was it a strong control exercised by the ruling authorities? Was it the powerful ideal of harmony extended to the religious realm? Was it a different sense of religious identity? How translates this heritage into contemporary China, its current politics and its most recent discussions after the liberalization of religions in the 1980s? This volume offers fresh insights by renowned scholars and specialists in the field.

"Both thematically broad and historically deep, the contributions to this volume offer unique perspectives on religious diversity in China. Academic research on Chinese religious is related to urgent issues in religious studies, including religious tolerance and relations between state and religion." – Hubert Seiwert, Professor of Religion, Universität Leipzig, Germany

Religious Diversity in Chinese Thought - September 2013