Zugefrorener See in den Bergen: Moor im Changbai Gebirge (Nordost China)
© K.H.Knorr

Publikationen der AG Ökohydrologie und Stoffkreisläufe





  • Biester H, Knorr K, Schellekens J, Basler A, Hermanns Y. . ‘Comparison of different methods to determine the degree of peat decomposition in peat bogs.’ Biogeosciences 11: 2691–2707.

  • Blodau C. . Evidence for a hydrologically controlled iron cycle in acidic and iron rich sediments.’ Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 66, Nr. 1: 47–59. doi: 10.1007/s00027-003-0689-y.
  • Blodau C, Ranz M, Meyer B, Moore TR.Redox reactions of dissolved organic matter contribute to anaerobic sulphur cycling in peatland soils.“ contributed to the Goldschmidt Conference 2004, Kopenhagen, .
  • Bauer M, Blodau C.Mobilisation of arsenic from solid phases with NOM solution.“ contributed to the Goldschmidt Conference 2004, Kopenhagen, .
  • Knorr KH, Blodau C.Groundwater inflow affects acidity budgets in sediments of highly acidic post-mining lakes.“ contributed to the Goldschmidt Conference 2004, Kopenhagen, .
  • Blodau C, Basiliko N, Moore TR. . ‘Carbon turnover in peatland mesocosms exposed to different water table levels.’ Biogeochemistry 67, Nr. 3: 331–351. doi: 10.1023/B:BIOG.0000015788.30164.e2.