Past public events


Der Bauernkrieg von 1525 Revolution des Gemeinen Mannes oder wilde Handlung?

Public diskussion with Gerd Schwerhoff

Thursday, 16 January 2025 | 19.00 | Stadtbücherei Münster

The public discussion ‘The Peasants’ War of 1525 - Revolution of the Common Man or wild Act?’ was organised by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity and Pluralism” (EViR) on 16 January 2025 in the Stadtbücherei Münster.

In 1525, the peasants in the Holy Roman Empire rose up and protested against compulsory labour and high taxes. Research has interpreted the Peasants' War as an expression of a German striving for unity or as a “revolution of the common man”. In his new account, Gerd Schwerhoff contradicts such interpretations and describes how contemporaries themselves perceived the events.

In conversation with Ulrike Ludwig, he reports on the diverse roots and the turbulent course of the Peasants' War. They talk about the demands and goals of this mass movement, its opponents and supporters, the role of the law and ritualised violence.

Prof Dr Gerd Schwerhoff is Senior Professor for Early Modern History at the Univeresity of Dresden.

Prof Dr Ulrike Ludwig is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Münster and Director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Legal Unity and Pluralism“.

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Orte des Rechts in Münster – früher und heute

Project presentation and public discussion

Monday, 21 October 2024 | 18.00 | Stadtmuseum Münster

The public discussion "Orte des Rechts in Münster - früher und heute" (places of law in Münster - past and present) was organised by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" (EViR) on 21 October 2024 at the Stadtmuseum Münster. To mark the launch of the interactive map, we discussed where law is visibly reflected in Münster's urban space, what traces of over 1000 years of legal history can still be discovered today and why cartographic representations are helpful in this regard. Participants: Dr. Angelika Lampen (Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig (EViR) Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann (EViR), Dr. Bernd Thier (Stadtmuseum Münster)

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Dialog an Deck: „Stadtluft macht frei“ – Freiheitskonzepte im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Münster

Friday, 19 July 2024 | 18.30 | MS Wissenschaft in the Münster City Harbour

“City air makes you free” is a well-known legal saying - but what exactly does it mean? It presupposes that, unlike today, not everyone was free, but that there were unfree or semi-free people. What freedom could the city of the Middle Ages and early modern times offer and who benefited from it? Ulrike Ludwig and Peter Worm take the audience on an exciting search for clues through Münster. In pre-modern times, freedom was often used in the plural: Certain individuals or social groups held “freedoms” that exempted them from paying taxes, for example. There were also temporary freedoms such as the freedom of the market during the Send, which is still indicated today by the famous Send sword on the town hall. Finally, we encounter freedoms in the city as special legal areas, such as the freedom of the cathedral or a monastery. The street Sankt-Mauritz-Freiheit is a reminder of this to this day.

Prof Dr Ulrike Ludwig is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Münster and Director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Legal Unity and Pluralism“.

Dr Peter Worm is an archivist and historian and has been head of the Münster City Archive since 2019.

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Auf dem Flickenteppich bleiben? Was der deutsche Föderalismus leistet – und wo seine Grenzen liegen

Public panel discussion

Monday, 29 April 2024 | 18.00 | Theatertreff Münster

The panel discussion “Auf dem Flickenteppich bleiben? Was der deutsche Föderalismus leistet – und wo seine Grenzen liegen" (Staying on the patchwork quilt? What German federalism achieves - and where its limits lie) was organised by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" (EViR) on 29 April 2024 at the Theatertreff Münster. The debate about the pros and cons of German federalism is almost as old as federalism itself. Invoked by some as a guarantor of democracy and diversity, it is seen by others as an obstacle to effective politics and the cause of the infamous patchwork quilt. Most recently, he came under massive criticism during the coronavirus pandemic. But he also has a difficult time in other policy areas, such as the much-maligned education policy, which in Germany is the responsibility of the federal states. A stumbling block, a patchwork quilt, small states - is federalism really as bad as its reputation? Where do its historical roots lie, what does it achieve and where does it reach its limits? How is federalism talked about in the media and does this image correspond to reality? This was discussed by: Dr. Stefan Nacke (CDU Member of Parliament), Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann (EViR), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Overhoff (University of Münster), Dr. Antonios Souris (Free University of Berlin) Moderated by: Gigi Deppe (Head of the ARD Legal Department Radio)

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Recording of the event:

© KHK EViR – Michael Möller

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Wie sicher ist der Frieden? Der Westfälische Friede als völkerrechtlicher Vertrag

Public panel discussion

Thursday, 22 June 2023 | 18.00 | LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur

The panel discussion "Wie sicher ist der Frieden? Der Westfälische Friede als völkerrechtlicher Vertrag" (How secure is the peace? The Peace of Westphalia as a treaty under international law) was organised by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" (EViR) and the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at the University of Münster on 22 June 2023 at the LWL Museum of Art and Culture in Münster. As part of the city's anniversary year for the “375 Years of the Peace of Westphalia”, researchers from the fields of history and law discussed the important peace treaty and its consequences for the Holy Roman Empire and for Europe. The discussion explored the question of how it was possible at the time to overcome the massive loss of trust on the part of all warring parties and reach an agreement, which legal instruments were used to bring about a lasting peace solution and whether lessons can be learned for the present day. Discussants: Prof. Dr. Claire Gantet (Université de Fribourg), Prof. Dr. Christian Hillgruber (University of Bonn), Prof. Dr. Christoph Kampmann (University of Marburg), Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann (University of Münster), Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig (University of Münster)

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Recording of the event:

© exc / Michael Möller

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